His rules

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I don't know why I just jumped to that just ok let's go but for some reason I felt like I could trust him, like I could just go anywhere with him....it was strange but I didn't think much of it.
"Alright let's go what are we waiting for" I said with excitement
"Whoa whoa whoa hold up, we have to go over the rules first."
"The rules....Hu.. Well what kinda rules are we talking about"
"Simple ones of course, when I said step by step I meant it so your gonna have to meet me here every night for the next week"
"Is that really necessary we could just-
"Yes it is and don't question me you do as I say or you don't explore"
"Excuse me I can explore with or without you!"
"Could you?"
.....I knew I could but his glare....his smirk....I felt like he knew something I didn't and it.....it made me feel like....like I couldn't do this without his help.
"I could....but I won't only because I think you know something"
"Oh really haha well I guess you'll find out, so you'll meet me here for the next week and if you do something that I don't like then we will have to start the week over"
"......fine" I didn't really like the sound of that but the sun was coming up and i just wanted to get through with all of this
"Great I'll meet you tomorrow then I gotta go home now though be safe ok haha"
"Wait I thought we were going to-"the door swings open from a gust of wind startling me. I turn back around to finish what I was asking only to see that he was already gone.......

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