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I sit by my window so excited....almost too excited mom could tell something was up and begun to ask me what was up.
"Yes mom"
"You look excited about something is there something going on I should know about"
"Ugh mom nothing around here is exciting it's a run down stupid cabin with creepy woods around it"
"Well ok but let me know if anythings up ok"
"Good night"
"Night" an hour later I climbed out the window with a chill in my back and we'll...I think you get the point by now but anyways there were shadows this time but not creepy at all
"Hey Scarlett are you ready"
"I'm more then ready!"I said with excitement.
"Alright then let's go"
"Great this way right"
"Close your eyes"
"Just do it"
"....ok" I close my eyes for a few minutes till he tells me to open them again
".....alright open your eyes" I open my eyes to see that the shadows on the ground looked more like people
"Those are doomed spirits"
"The shadows....they are actually doomed spirits I don't actually know how they get here but they are here"
"But whatever you do don't follow them"
"What why?"
"Come on if you wanna go to the gloomy light then we better get going we don't have all night"
"Um uh ok"we took the long way because of the doomed spirits. On the way he didn't seem right...his eyes were changing color red, blue, red, blue and he seemed really upset I wanted to ask what was going on but something kept me from asking....I still don't know what it is.
"Alright here we are are you ready"
"Ok but once your in there's no going back"
"I'm ready"
"Let's go" we were walking threw when we start walking by multiple old abandoned log cabins.
"Can we go in those"
"Oh come on now that I'm hear I'm not just going to not explore"
"What no no no wait!" I ran into the creepiest house I could find I walk threw and walk across the creaky floor I walk into what was left of what I think is a kitchen I look closely at the fridge and it had a sticky note on it and it said *Scarlett I'm sorry about the divorce but if you stay around me then something bad will happen I can't explain but just know I'll be close by even if you can't see me -Dad*
"What why is this here....."
"Scarlett?" I jump and turn around to see a familiar face
"DAD!" I run up and hug him tightly "what are you doing here how come I never got this note?"
"Scarlett you need to leave"
"What why I just got hear"
"Is Ash here"
"What yeah but how do you-"
"Get out"
"But dad" just then Ash walks in looking at us with deep red eyes and baring fangs
"I told you no should have listened"
"Scarlett run....NOW!!!" I turned around and started running as fast as I could faster and faster
"Did you just tell her to run"
"I think your forgetting who you sold your soul to"
"What are you standing there for..GO AFTER HER" i kept running and running and I turn around and seen my dad with glowing red eyes chasing after me. I ran faster and faster but it was no use he eventually caught up to me and grabbed me tight walking me back
"I'm sorry princess I couldn't-"
"Shut up" Ash said annoyed
"Hey don't talk to my dad like that!"
"He's not your dad anymore" and with that he took my hands and chained them behind my back
"Let's go"
"Looks like you haven't have much of a choice"
"Well I don't want to be here anymore you brought me here you take me back dad may have sold his soul to you but I don't remember ever agreeing to something like that"
"Well your dad is in charge I guess it's up to him to say if you stay or leave" and in a demonic voice my dad replies
"She stays"
"That's not far you mad him say that"
"Who said I play far" he then dragged me threw in the gloomy light and into his house one there he locked me to a pole In the middle of his house and locked the door.
"What do you want with me" I said almost crying and shaking in fear
"You'll see now get some rest I'll see you in the morning" I tried all night to get out the chains but eventually I stopped,loosing all hope i fell asleep.

The lights are gloomy for a reason....Where stories live. Discover now