prologue/Begining of the fight

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CLARK was a reporter, and, well, your local superhero, SUPERMAN, to be specific, even if people like to say Superman is overpowered, or too cocky, or just over all sucks.. or.. well... okay, I'll move on.. Superman was used to all that, clark himself was used to being ridiculed.. so as batman went off about lateness or something, Superman just let his mind wander.. his super hearing getting away from him, focasing on some bird flying through the sky somewhere.. his thoughts went to something he thought about a lot... what the leagues human lives were like, did they have family's? Friends? Superman could always just follow there heart beat, or even just look below the masks of half the team.. But he wouldn't disrespect them like that, despite the difficulty between him and them.. The training, the rest of the team, can actually train against everyone. The only one who puts up a real challenge for Superman is Diana, Wonder Woman, the only one to be open about their identity.. Willingly open.. Superman wouldn't disrespect their privacy willingly.. he knows the teams heartbeats.. so.. if he.. as Clark Kent stumbled along them in the wild, well... he'd never tell them, of course, i mean, he didn't know most of their names, just their civilian faces.. the only one he's never figured out is.. him.. the bat.. his eyes glanced over, and his superhearing focused back in... shit shit he's talking to you.. say something!!!


"The meetings over, what are you still sitting here for?"

Batmans voice was deep, but natural, an emotional voice, yet one kept monotone, it was.. romantic, the type of voice you'd hear in those old Italian romance movies.


Superman looked around the rest of the league had left. Well, Green Lantern and Flash were still talking in the hallway about something flash didn't understand, and Diana was talking to j'onn his secret identity didnt really count to superman..about some undercover mission..

"Sorry just uh, let my mind get away from me.."

He could tell batman was raising an eyebrow under his cowl, and then the superhero in black let out a sigh.

"Do you need the notes?"

Superman gave an award winning smile as the other man placed the notes in his hand in front of him.

"Thank you, batm-"

Batman walked off, and Superman stood up, grabbing the notes and floating away. He didn't stop to say bye to anyone. His mind was all over the place today, and his mind wandered.. there.. back to that, thought again... what would it be like to be human.. to be.. a nobody.. this wasn't the first time he had this thought, although he was careful about where and when he had them, as.. well, hanging out with a mind reader was.. an eye-opening experience, to say the least.. he flew towards... ugh.. there was that damned statue, the golden one of his smiling face. It made him proud when they put it up. Now, it just seemed narcissistic. He rolled his eyes and flew past it, landing in a random alleyway and changing back into Clark Kent, stuffing the notes from batman in the brief case and promptly forgetting them, he then walked through town his head hung low, just waiting to be yelled at by perry..

Clark.. what to say.. from the shining light of the world as Superman to a quiet, nervous, jumpy, reporter for the daily planet,clark, it was.. something.. which one was he really? He slowly had forgotten, it seemed he had no one in the world other than his ma and pa.. oh and-



"Oh jesus- oh- Jimmy, hey.."

He heard him and Lois from 10 minutes back, they were looking for him.

"I'm here too, ya know."

"Of course! Hi Lois.."

Jimmy had realised clark was Superman long ago, or well.. clark guessed he had, as whenever Lois went asking questions about Clark going missing randomly, Jimmy always made an excuse.. or he was just being a good friend either way.

struck me, black & blue. (Superbat fic)Where stories live. Discover now