how Ever..

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Clark and Lois Lane were right next to each other, and Clark couldn't pick her up her heartbeat.. how strange... he felt.. weaker.. Clark stood..
Quickly, the world felt like it was spinning, but.. superman didn't get sick..

"I.. need to step out.. cover for me?"
"Uh, of course, clark.. are you okay..?"

He ran out of the room, so slowly.. he felt like he was gonna throw up. He pulled the fire exit door open and threw up onto the side. Whipping his mouth, he turned around, taking a breath in. He was ready to make some excuse of why the door was in pe - the door was fine... he felt.. human.. he took a deep breath, his throat hurt.. he was just in the sun.. a little more wouldn't hurt.. he took off the vomit covered clothing and checked his suit. It was fine.. lucky..

He jumped.. he jumped again.. nothing.. how.. why... I guess I'm running.

People kept looking at him, and staring, he had to stop multiple times to take photos. He couldn't run at the speed of light.. something was very wrong..

"Huh- Oh flash hi! Thank God!"
"What's up.. or well, not up...?"
"Oh- uh- it's nothing to worry about just - could you get me -"

He put on a wining smile, trying to keep the people of metropolis from freaking out.

"Oh- uh sure?"

He took my hand, and we were gone in an instant.

"Oh, thank you."

Superman sighed softly and sat down

"You were walking. You never walk. What's up?"
"I was running."
"You have super speed. That was not super speed."
"I know, flash, okay! I have no idea what's up with me."

Flash sat across from Superman, and he leaned forward, while Superman leaned back, god the hole team would know in an instant now.. how would he ever get to the fortress of solitude to even ask jon-el for help!?

"So.. you have no idea?"
"None at all."
"Ah.. are all of them gone?"
"I think so.."

"Are all of what gone?"

Diana sat down and smiled.

"Wonder Woman.."
"Superman, are you okay..? I'm used to him jumping, not you.."
"His powers are fucking around and not working"
"Oh god..."

Superman put his head in his hands.. not hearing the rest of the world was nice but..

"Have you been in contact with kryptonite?"
"No, I don't think so-"
"Why wouldn't your powers.."
"I don't kno-"
"Hahahah! Batman, I thought you didn't come out in the morning."
"I got an alert, Superman walking the street?"
"News travels to gotham fast, faster than me -"

Superman stood quickly and ran to the small plastic bin, vomiting into it. The room went quiet.

"What's wrong with him..?"

Batmans voice pierced through the room, making Superman vomit for the third time today.


Wonder Woman softly walked over and pulled Superman cape back, making sure the Cape, who seemed to have its own mind, didn't get in the poor man's way and softly rubbed his back.

"We should get a doctor.."
"Who knows Supermans biology, I didn't think even he knew??"
"What else can we do?"
"The 'man of steel' is vomiting in our trash can."
"I'm fine! We need to find what's doing this. It's something or someone that wants me down and out."

The man of steel suddenly stood, making wonder woman unconsciously tensing, waiting for the man to fall, but that moment didn't come.

"I will live! I promise, we just got to find out what's happening, what is affecting my powers.. But beyond that, I will be dandy!"

He flashed that southern hero, sweetheart smile, and winked, feeling a little better..

"Well, I should still check you, Superman."

Batman said with as much concern as he could muster, Superman laughed at his best friend, then faked dramatics.

"Oh! Are you worried about little old me?"

His thick southern accent laced his words. He still felt.. human.. too human..

669 words

struck me, black & blue. (Superbat fic)Where stories live. Discover now