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"Hilda, I just want a sandwich for tonight," Crystal called out from the living room.

"Why? I prepared chicken for tonight. You can't tell me you don't want chicken," she said, poking her head out of the kitchen.

"You made chicken! But I'm on a diet," Crystal whined.

"Girl, you're already so thin and stunning. Why go on a diet? You need food immediately. You can't even walk a mile without falling down. You're so weak, girl. You don't need salad; you need a whole chicken to yourself. And if you need salads that badly, you can have it as an appetizer."

"I agree Hilda, except for the stunning part," Ryder called out, barely lifting his gaze from his phone.

"Shut up, Ryder. But Hilda..."

"No more talk about that. Call your brother and ask him where he has gone. It's been an hour since he went to buy some cake." Hilda replied as she disappeared into the kitchen.

"Come on, guys, let's all cheer for Rachel's health!" Eric, the papa of the group, called out as they all cheered and returned to their seats.

"So, Rachy, how are things going for you nowadays?" Crystal said, settling into her own place around the table in the Moon Room at Hilda's extravagantly stunning mansion. The room was almost round with a glass ceiling through which the moonlight peeked in, allowing them to gaze at the stars. It was technically a sunroom with beautiful creepers adorning its corners, but too hot to sit in during the day – perfectly cool at night. Hence, they fondly named it the Moon Room. Crystal always wondered how Hilda managed to keep the glass perfectly clean, given that crows and birds hadn't gone extinct in Owlhowl town, where Hilda's house was located. Her eyes moved across the room, reminiscing about all the memories created in this space over the past two years. "Coming to think of it, hasn't it been exactly two years since we got to know Hilda?" Crystal mused, reflecting on this day from two years ago.

"Yes, how could I forget? It's because of Hilda that I'm here alive and well. If you hadn't pushed me out of the way of the truck... Oh god, I can't even imagine it," Rachel said, a mix of guilt and gratefulness washing over her face. Hilda, on the other hand, looked uncomfortable. Crystal had known since the day she met her that Hilda did not know how to respond to gratitude. She helped others because she felt it was her duty, not for a thank-you or any gift. However, there was another reason for her silence, and all of a sudden that nearly forgotten memory resurfaced.

It was such a perfect day, almost unnaturally so, she remembered joking about its ominous perfection. Coincidentally, it was Rach's birthday – a day that could have turned tragic if not for Hilda's intervention. Eric had gone to fetch Rachel, to bring her back to the hotel where they had planned a birthday surprise. Not exactly a surprise, as it followed the well known routine practiced on each of their birthdays – a cake, a favorite spot, a cherished dish, and the harmonious rendition of the birthday song. A tradition upheld among the five of them since forever.

Rachel had been super happy that day, appreciating the beautiful weather and deeming it ideal for snapping some photos. Her memory of that day wasn't  a memory; it was a picture, a clear cut picture. Rachel strolling across the road, the group peering out the window, Eric's friendly wave, a fuming truck, and Hilda extended hand. The next thing she knew, she was rushing out of the restaurant, hoping for the best, only to be met with the harrowing sight of a bloodied Hilda, who had bravely put herself in harm's way for a stranger.

Yes, they hadn't known Hilda, completely oblivious to her existence. Yet, she displayed an extraordinary blend of courage, selflessness, and an uncanny readiness to risk everything for another. From that day onward, Hilda seamlessly became a part of the group – always watchful, profoundly caring, and willing to make herself a  sacrifice for their well-being. It was almost like a chant, how seamlessly she had become a part of the group. There were no fights or shyness surrounding her integration; as if they had been friends for a thousand years. However, this orphan, who gained five friends on that fateful day, lost something incredibly precious – her memory, which stubbornly refused to return even after two years.

She never once blamed Rachel, never shed a tear, never engaged in fights. She was the peacemaker, the mother of the group, and there was no mistaking how deeply she loved each one of them.                                                                                                                                                                                                      And yet there was something mysterious of her. how there was no record of a Hilda in any school or orphanages. she was just Hilda, a girl who raised money by the sheer will of her mind and by her clever investments. she was famous in the money world, not that crystal would have known, for being the richest investor in all of Nocklohm.                                                                                                    Yet no one had seen her and no one had cared. all those who cared were after her money and not for her anyways. 

The room fell into a silence so profound that Crystal half-expected her ears to start bleeding until Eric intervened, "Now, now, another three cheers for our Hilda, the epitome of foolish bravery and righteousness. Raise your glasses and all hail the queen!" The silence broke, and a sense of normalcy returned. The feast resumed, accompanied by light chatter about everyone's future plans and the ongoing debate of champagne or wine circulating throughout the room.

They all laughed, a collective sense of embarrassment coursing through each of them as their tales circulated around the table, taking on different proportions with each retelling. The night grew darker, the moon casting its gentle glow upon the jovial six at their respective places. Crystal felt a profound sense of gratitude and contemplation washing over her as she silently offered a prayer to the unknown, hoping for nights like this.                                                                       

The lives were perfect, Crystal concluded, her eyes scanning the room. Five children of elites and an infamous investor, all attractive and seemingly flawless. What more could anyone want, she mused, slowly resting her head on the chair, allowing her gaze to wander into the mysteries of the space. She loved the stars and often found herself lost in contemplation about them. Maybe she should become an astronaut, she pondered, envisioning a journey through space, exploring the stars and the wonders beyond, and perhaps even...

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