love triangle - minwon

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*this is from a girls perspective*

My name is Sana, and I have a perfect life. I'm the most popular girl in school, top of my class and have the hottest boyfriend, Kim Mingyu. I also have a super hot best friend named Jeon Wonwoo but don't tell Mingyu I said that, he'll be upset.

Here's my dilemma, Wonwoo has been my best friend since kindergarten and recently his behaviour has been, weird. Whenever I'm on a date with Mingyu he shows up, and the way he stares at us when we're together I think he's jealous. My girl friends say he likes me but I don't know what to do! Mingyu would be so mad if he found out. Well let's see how this goes.


Sana was sat in the cafeteria surrounded by her friend group consisting of 8 other girls and Wonwoo next to her. She could see Mingyu approaching them from across the cafeteria and waved at them. Once he reached them he smiled at the table.

"Hey how are you." Mingyu asked and Sana smiled.

"I'm great how are you?" Mingyu responded.

"Wonderful, Wonwoo was just telling us about this crush he has." Sana said and Mingyu raised an eyebrow. "Go on Wonwoo."

"I've pretty much said everything." He chuckled nervously. "They have this great smile, the prettiest one I've ever seen." The girls all murmured in approval.

"You know who has a great smile? Sana." Momo, one of the girls pointed at her. Momo had been rooting for Wonwoo and Sana since they were kids, it was obvious what she was doing. A flush of red covered Wonwoo's face and he looked down.

"Okay..." Mingyu put one of his hands on the table. "Well I've got to go, detention with Mr Choi." He smiled one last time at Sana and waved to the whole group as he left. A couple seconds of silence and then Wonwoo stood up.

"I need to go to the library. Ms Kim asked me to help her organise." Wonwoo said about to leave.

"Oh let me help you." Sana stood up.

"No!" Wonwoo said abruptly making all the girls turn to him. "...I meant no you can't because... I really like organising in quiet?" Before Sana could respond to that Wonwoo had already sped off.

"That was... weird." Jeongyeon broke the awkward silence and after that they all went back to what they were talking about.


Wonwoo knocked on the door of the old janitors closet, taking a deep breath. It opened slightly and a hand stretched out to pull him in. It was dark and all he felt was a hard chest against his head.

"What took you so long?" The deep voice said, sliding their hands around Wonwoo's waist.

"Sorry... your girlfriend really wanted to come with me." Wonwoo replied and Mingyu chuckled, pulling Wonwoo in closer.

"I feel terrible doing this to her. I mean she really does love both of us." Mingyu said looking down at Wonwoo.

"So terrible that you don't want to do anything?" Wonwoo asked.

"Nah, not that terrible." Wonwoo chuckled in response and pulled Mingyu down for a kiss. "Besides, she's always had eyes for other women more than me."

"Really now?" Wonwoo asked a little shocked.

"Oh come on Won, you're her best friend how could you not know? That's a sin in the girl bestie book." Mingyu teased him.

"Hey, you're her boyfriend and you're in the janitors closet with her best friend I think that's like the worst sin anyone could commit." Wonwoo said, to which Mingyu responded with by kissing him.

"Mmm..." Mingyu spoke between kisses. "A sin worth committing if it means hearing you beg-"

"Mingyu!" Wonwoo almost shouted, pushing him away.

"Oh Wonnie don't be so serious." Mingyu pulled him back in. "And now I'm going to make you..."


Sana walked into her last period class with Ms Kim, confused as to why her normal desk was empty. Both her boyfriend and best friend were missing. Despite that, she sat down and waited for 10 minutes. After Ms Kim gave them self managed work, she spoke to Sana.

"Sana do you mind telling me where your boy-friends are?" She spoke sternly.

"Was Wonwoo not with you at lunch? He told me he needed to organise the library." Sana asked.

"No he was not there." She looked a bit angry. "Well I can't leave this class alone, so I'll give you 5 minutes to go and find them. If you can't, come back straight away. Understood?" Sana nodded and walked out of the classroom.

She searched all the places she could, the cafeteria, the sports field, Mr Choi's classroom, she even yelled their names into the boys bathroom. She was about to give up when she heard a noise coming from the hall to her left. It sounded like someone groaning, only a noise she could describe as straight out of a horror movie. Sana followed the noise and it led her to the janitors closet. Taking a deep breath, she put her hand on the door handle and yanked it open. Nothing could've prepared her for the sight before her.

Wonwoo's hands were in Mingyu's hair as the latter was gripping tightly at his waist, kissing him hard and making him elicit noises you should not be making at school. Wonwoo's tie was undone and the top three buttons of Mingyu's shirt were undone. Both their hair was a mess that could only be described as like a bird's nest.

"WHAT THE!" Sana screamed and they finally turned around to see her.

"Sana!?" Wonwoo pushed Mingyu away and looked at her.

"What are you two doing!?"

"I can explain!" Wonwoo said fixing his tie.

"How can you explain this?! My best friend hooking up with my boyfriend?!" Sana yelled.

"Sana calm down!" Mingyu said buttoning up his shirt trying to calm her at the same time.

"I'm not going to calm down what the hell are you two doing!?" She screamed. "And for how long?!"

"A year..." Wonwoo squeaked out.

"A YEAR?" Sana couldn't believe it.

"Sana!" A voice boomed through the hallway, it was Ms Kim. "Get back to class now. You've been gone for well over 5 minutes."

Mingyu and Wonwoo's eyes widened and the three of them froze in place. Thinking quickly, Mingyu grabbed the door handle and yanked it close, leaving Sana outside with Ms Kim.

"Phew.." Mingyu sighed. "That was close."

"That was close?! Mingyu your girlfriend caught me with my hand down your pants." Wonwoo whined.

"Oh don't worry about it baby, I locked the door this time."

"What? You can't seriously think I want continue after that." Wonwoo said angrily. Mingyu wiggled his eyebrows and smirked. "...Fine"


Let's just say the next time they hooked up it was in their own homes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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