Saturns Rings-1

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    "Lady Akra, I have come here to ask for your hand in marriage! It would be a great honor!" Akra stood dumbfounded before her throne. The tiny mortal kneeling before her, proudly holding a silver ring with a shimmering amazonite stone looked close to tears.

    "You- Are you out of your mind?!" Akra stuttered, amazed at the bravery of a mortal to propose to a god.

    "I have dreamed of this day since I was a child my lady, nothing would make me happier than for you to say yes!" The mortal pleaded. Akra thought for a second. It wasn't every day a mortal asked to marry a god, let alone the goddess of time. So why not play a little game?

    "What is your name?"

    "Elina, my lady."

    "Well my dear Elina, I have a proposition, ask me again when the sun begins to set tomorrow. It is already well into the night and I am not in a particularly good mood. I wouldn't want to give you an answer that has been swayed by my horrid mood."

    Elina was in heaven. Her one and only was willing to marry her and her alone. She was blessed by the gods above. A tear slipped from her eyes, glistering in the light of the full moon. She rose and bowed to Akra.

    "Thank you my lady, I promise that if you decide to accept my heart I will never let you down."

    With that, she left the temple, amazonite ring held close to her heart, quietly crying tears of happiness. Behind she could barely make out the sound of the goddess calling out her name repeatedly as if testing it.

    Back in her temple, Akra couldn't help but laugh. Finally someone to make her life interesting. Elina's promise rang in her ears.

    "Sweet little Elina, don't make promises you can't keep, eternity is far out of reach for you."
    Akra knew that she knew better than to underestimate mortals, afterall, her fellow gods had fallen from grace hundreds of times because of their arrogance towards humans. Elina felt...different somehow. Her words seemed sincere and she was willing to give up something so beautiful for something as trivial as love. Akra found it quite endearing and frankly adorable.
     "Careful now Akra, you know the consequences of giving your delicate heart to a mortal," A deep voice said.


     "Is there a reason why you have your heart set on avoiding me as if I were the plague?"

     "I've no reason to give you that information."

     The god's static sigh rang throughout the temple, "I worry for you Akra, Katrina does too."

     "There is no reason for why you should worry, as much as I appreciate it."

     "You fail to acknowledge that aside from being the god of lightning, I am also the god of truths and lies." Akra finally looked over her shoulder at the man with antlers standing behind her. His deer like features crackled with electricity as he reached up to remove his deer skull mask. Paraly held a knowing look in his eyes upon seeing the way Akra's tail flicked back and forth violently. Between her aggressive movements and unnaturally dull eyes, it was obvious the time goddess was upset.

    "Are you going to say yes to this..?"

    "Elina, her name is Elina."

    "What a lovely name."


    Paraly chuckled as he turned to leave. If his sister decided to be an idiot, so be it. Evton would owe him should this go according to plan. In due time Akra would come to her senses. The only bad outcome would be for her to essentially drown in bad decisions. But Akra was wise, she was among the very few who no gods questioned, not often at the very least.


    "You called, my lord?"

    "Keep my sister out of trouble will you?" The god said, "Do us both a favor and keep what you may learn in this time in the shadows."

    "Has something gone wrong with lady Akra?" Paraly shook his head, listening to the quiet sound of his footsteps and Evton's small huffs as they made their way to Akra's temple. Paraly hoped this would ease the worry he felt for Akra, but his efforts resulted unhelpful. He figured it was time to pay Lady Luck herself a visit.


    Akra hummed quietly as she sat in the middle of the room. Her eyes remained closed as she weaved the tapestry of the day. The silk threads made of memories, the pearls weaved into the silk of the sands of time, all glowed beneath the light of a dozen candles. Her fingers strung beads to threads, knotted new colors of thread. All done by the expert hands of one of the oldest deities to exist.

    Footsteps too quiet to be human could be heard coming down the stairs, followed by the sound of a velvet cloak trailing close behind. A velvet cloak that could belong to only one.

    "Evton, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Akra said, her eyes remaining unopened.

    "I crossed paths with your brother on my way here, Paraly seemed in a rather unpleasant mood. I assume you happen to be involved, so if I may ask, what has happened today that seems to have affected the both of you?"

    "I am not an idiot Evton, I am fully aware that he sent you to watch over me. But if you really must know, a mortal named Elina has proposed to me tonight." This confession rendered the animal faced god speechless. Silence was a rarity from the god of war, and Akra found to to be rather pleasant. Evton kneeled before Akra as her hands came to a stop, signalling that the tapestry was complete.

    "I know you will likely brush off my request, but I beg Akra, describe this Elina for me," Evton said.

    "Your interest in this topic is odd to me Evton."

    "Akra, Dacery has given another prophecy...about a mortal marrying a god"

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