18 6 9

Grayson M. Carter
"New beginnings "

I watch them kiss for a full second before I ranched my eyes free and blinked back a stream of tears threatening to burst. I stood not saying anything as I left the table tired of their PDA and made my way out of the shop. There's only so much a girl can take and I'm close to losing it.

When I got home, the first thing I did was let go. My heart still felt funny especially after I had a small chat with his new girlfriend, whose name I still don't know. She ran after me looking confused and so righteously kissed and I hated it.

"Hey, Alita I mean....um. Oh shoot stupid brain this is not the time!" I didn't stop walking, keeping my eyes solely focused on my car. "Hey wait!" She called running after me and catching me a few feet from my car.

I turned and looked down at her, my heels giving me a height advantage I never noticed earlier. She took a step back obviously surprised at the look on my face. I had hoped my face looked emotionless and maybe it worked, I don't know.

"Can we talk?" She asked, tentatively. I gave her a nod and sat on my car hood.

"Atarah," I fold my arms over my chest irritated. Can't she just leave me alone.


I sigh, "my name is Atarah not Alita. I will appreciate it if you remember that," casting her gaze downwards she folded her arms around herself looking cold in a very warm July afternoon. Maybe my icy reply sent chills down her spine and instead of feeling bad I felt rather smug. I never told her to come after me she decided it on her own.

"I'm sorry Atarah I just...." Seeming to decide against what ever excuse she wanted to reply with, she waving her hand dismissively. "I just wanted to ask why you were leaving. I really want us to be friends."

She sounded so naive and I let out a chuckle turning to open my car. I paused with my driver seat door open and looked at her over the door, all signs of amusement gone.

"You and me sweetheart, " I pointed between us with my car keys adding quickly," can never be friends."

With that I left her standing there stunned at my departure as I drove my Mustang down the road at full speed. I know I was flaunting my car in her face but I had every right to because she stole what was mine. The tears came then, hot, wet and ugly. Worse part is, she still won even if I was the one who made her eat dirt.

Being an over thinker at times is a very tough job. Especially when your working for yourself and not getting paid at the end of the day. After my very, might I add understandable reaction towards the-new-girl, which is the name I'm currently calling Saul's new girlfriend because for some odd reason I find it hard to name anything (God help my children if I ever have any lest one of them turns out to be girl and the other boy because for some reason their mother doesn't have a clue what else to call them) I found myself regretting what I did before I left.

Firstly, she isn't in the wrong and secondly I had no right to act like a jerk when she clearly just wanted to talk and was absolutely, for some reason was being nice to me. I mean the woman gave me a hug when I was crying like an idiot. Like what in the heavens!!!! Anyway, so..in these situations I usually call my older sister, Candace for advice and also to....um....to talk in detail about stuff. Sometimes people. But the whole point here is, I messed up and two her phone isn't going through which means she's having hubby time or in class.

Yep unlike me, my older sister got married and is living her best life while I'm hang on my ex-boyfriend like a flee on a dog. I guess that's why it's so shocking that I didn't see this coming. Worst part of all this is that him and I share a freaking neighbourhood and to say I was terrified when the door bell went off was an understatement. I didn't want to face him later on anyone else, looking like a red-eyed-racoon. So like any sane adult I peered through my one way looking glass on my front door being as quiet as I could and was relieved it was the mailman and not Saul.

I stayed quiet until he slid the mail into the mail slot on my door and retreated down the gravel driveway not looking back. Looking down, I bent and picked up my mail before walking over to my kitchen counter and piling them on there. My living room was spacious enough for a family of six at most with an open plan kitchen, the walls all white, the cabinets the same but the counters a granite. On the living room side, which is more of a family room the decor is usually leaning towards browns and greys like I'm undecided on what to do with the room. Should it match the kitchen or stand alone.

I sigh, sifting through my mail half heartedly. Recits, recits, water bill, my credit card bill which are both are paid. Work....I pause and open it. Frowning I start reading:

Dear miss Pierce,

We would like to inform you of the upcoming changes at our firm starting Monday the 18th of July as we will be welcoming our new CEO, mister Grayson M Carter. We would also love to invite you to the retirement party, celebrating mister Anderson M Carter occurring on the 16th of July.

Dress code starting Monday the 18th of July.

We advise that you wear suitable pant suits and four inch heels, effective on Monday. Anyone not in the suitable business attire will be fired.

Thank you. Yours faithfully
Drusilla Sharma
H.R. Department.

What in the heavens?!! Dress code? Is this like a preschool or one of those expensive schools those elite families take there children?
This is utter bull. Carter group is running mad now or something. Choosing to ignore the invitation I grabbed my laptop and went online to order a few things, namely my very crucially needed pant suit.


The next morning I opened my eyes to my sister's face hovering over mine and cringed. This angle does not do her any good.

I smacked her face and pushed her away, "move creep, your terrifying all my morning joy."

At the same time she smacked my hand saying, "Stop that."

"Ow," I whined, clutching my hand to my chest.

"Saves you right," she huff before hitting me the face with a grey plastic.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Violent woman.

"That was for freaking me out. I literally thought those calls I missed where your last after you didn't pick up all my one hundred calls and didn't answer your damn door. Not even picking up your damn package from your doorstep like you're freaking dead." Exasperated, she flopped onto my bed, "what am I going to do with you?"
She added like I was the worse thing that had ever happened to her.

Ignoring her I glanced down at my lap and found a garment bag. She didn't hit me with a grey plastic it was just the colour of the material inside the colourless bag. "Candace, what's this?" I asked, knowing exactly when my shipment is suppose to come in and it's tomorrow.

"I don't know clothing I guess. It came with this, " she handed me a card. I grab it and opened.

From Grayson M Carter,

Hope this is to your liking miss Peirce. We will be working together starting Monday, be early.


Confused, I let my sister read it as well having no comment to add on to the already confusing note from my new boss. She gave me the, "are you sleeping with him?" Look and I replied with gagging sounds. This is why I love my sister, we can talk to each other other without saying a word. Besides for all I know, like my previous boss, Grayson is old or middle aged and judging by his thoughtfulness, he's very sweet like the old Mr Anderson M Carter. Maybe working for the new CEO won't be so bad.

In Spite Of All, You Love -[A Christian Billionaire Romance Novel]Where stories live. Discover now