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Unlike before at the gym, I manage to open my front door in just one second, as my hands aren't trembling this time. That doesn't mean I'm any less nervous, though. Quite the opposite. I feel a hundred times more stressed right now.

I am not looking forward to the conversation that I'm about to have with Oikawa. Not at all. Even though his answers might be a relief, they could also be a nightmare. It scares me.

But it has to happen. I know Oikawa won't let it go until we talk. He'll whine about it constantly. And, well, it's not like I can rest easy until we've discussed this, either.

I sigh, glancing at the brunet as he passes me, entering my house. He doesn't look nervous at all. He has this calm air around him, and his expression is neutral. I can't tell if he's planning to have fun with this, or if he's dreading the upcoming talk as well.

"Do you want something to drink?" I offer while closing the door behind me.

"Water, please!" Oikawa answers. Same as always.

I take a deep breath before I grab a glass and fill it with water. I need to stay calm. Bad things are bound to happen if I don't.

Think about it, Hajime. Oikawa was confused earlier, when you apologized. That means he didn't have a clue what you were talking about.

I head back with one glass of water. "Let's go upstairs?"

Oikawa, who apparently got lost in thought during the few seconds I was gone, gets scared by my reappearance. "Huh? Oh, yeah, let's go."

Although I still can't sense a nervous air around him, his strange behaviour tells me otherwise. Is he stressed about this after all? When did he get good at hiding that...?

Oikawa doesn't seem to notice my attempt at analyzing him and just starts heading to my room. As soon as he enters, he makes his way over to my bed. He grabs my pillows, shoves them in one corner, then makes himself comfortable in that spot. He always does this.

I put his glass of water down on my desk, then settle on my chair. After doing so, I scan the other again. Oikawa is looking at the wall to his left, almost like he's studying it. As if anything has changed. I haven't touched my room's layout in a good few years now.

"Are you okay?" I decide to ask him outright.

"Hmm?" He shifts his gaze to me. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You're being weird," I huff.

I catch the glimpse of insecurity that flashes through his eyes. "You think I'm weird?" he mutters. Then, as if he realizes that he wants to put up an act, he sits up straight and puffs his cheeks. "No, I'm not. You're the weirdo!"

Although anyone could see through his fake behaviour, I decide to let it slide. Surely, his true emotions will show later in this conversation. There's no need to rush it.

"Right," I reply sarcastically, "and why am I weird, then?"

"Because you said you were sorry for confessing to me."

There it is. The reason we're here right now. The topic I wasn't quite ready to talk about yet. Hearing him say it so directly makes me frown. But maybe it's better this way.

I shift in my chair, uncomfortable. How do I word the thoughts that I've had? What can I say without sounding stupid? "Well, yes. I am sorry for doing that."

"Why?" Oikawa huffs. Although he is pouting now, he can't hide the anxiousness he's feeling, as it is clearly visible on his face. Seeing it makes me even more uneasy, so I look away.

"I am sorry because I confessed to you despite knowing how much you hate confessions," I start, somehow managing to keep my emotions hidden in my voice. "I know how bad you are at dealing with them. I know how guilty they make you feel. And yet, without a second thought, I confessed to you. Just because you said you'd want me to tell you."

Another Confession // IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now