First meeting

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polarisgreenley asked me how the boys met, how it all began, so let's go into their background. To get to know them a little better. Let's go back a few years.



King's Cross station was swarming with people, walking with a certain eagerness, clumsily jostling other people without really apologising, too eager for the agonising clock that hung in plain sight, its hands advancing with a sinister creak. Gideon couldn't take his eyes off it, staring anxiously at the evidence of time that could not be frozen, his stomach knotting a little more with every second.

He squeezed into his mother's skirts, catching the disgusted gaze of a woman and her husband. Another man spat as they passed and his mum's delicate fingers passed over his gaze to protect it. In other circumstances, he would have been braver, prouder, but not today. Today, it was far too difficult to feign indifference, even more so knowing that he feared future events.

"It doesn't make sense. Finally sighed his father, turning over the ticket they had been given a few days earlier. Where's that Ministry official? Track 9 ¾ is just a wall, I'm not going to push my son into a wall!

_I don't think Gideon would like that. Smiled his tender wife gently. We'll find a way, Archibald, just stay calm.

_We can go back, it doesn't matter. Gideon timidly suggested.

_No, it's a chance you've got and it's due to you. Contra the patriarch, continuing to stare angrily at the piece of paper."

The young boy raised his eyes to look at his mother in awe. Her green eyes were as soft as ever, her opal skin was dotted with freckles and her hair was a fiery red. She smiled at him, trying to reassure him as much as she could given the current situation. Her father snarled again, a less than stellar swear word leaving his lips and he grunted in displeasure. His father grumbled before exhaling and kissing his companion's pink cheek, ruffling his son's hair in turn before placing his broad palm on his cheek, caressing his scar with benevolence.

"We'll find that bloody train. He affirmed. You have a bright future ahead of you in a world that will accept you fully."

His words had more impact than their original meaning. Archibald straightened up, readjusting his tie before clearing his throat. Gideon noted with amusement that his fair skin was streaked with an angry red and his brown hair was pulled back from running his hand through it. His dark eyes glared at a rude passer-by.

"Mr Smith."

The small family turned at the appearance of an individual. The mixed-race man offered Gideon a gentle smile before greeting his parents appropriately. The younger man's nervousness only increased as he guided them towards the wall they had been looking at earlier. The envoy laughed slightly before urging them to follow him. Despite their understandable reluctance, they ended up running towards the indicated point, expecting a painful shock before opening their eyes on a brand new platform where a huge bright red train was waiting with a loud whistle.

Other children were present, eagerly boarding the machine, some of them older and laughing, others younger and relatively apprehensive. Doubt overwhelmed Gideon, who kept his hand firmly clasped in his mother's. Nervousness was going to drive him to run away at any moment, and this simple contact was all that prevented him from doing so. The unknown was terrifying, even more so knowing that he would be plunging into it alone.

"Mum. He sighed. Can't we just go home? I could carry on..."

His mother stopped her next word as she stooped to his level, reassuring him with a motherly caress before kissing his forehead.

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