The threat of excess*

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I feel like I've corrupted something really symbolic, but in my defence, the future owner of the place hasn't been born yet!


The greenhouse was warm, calm and yet so alive. The plants were gently rocked by a gentle breeze, while others began to stir impatiently. Gideon was gently stroking the roots of an Abyssinian fig tree, carefully cleaning it of a parasite that had invaded it. He wiped his forehead on his forearm before continuing the treatment, smiling as he felt a caress on the back of his calf and a small, plaintive moan.

"One moment, one at a time. he sighed, looking briefly at the Dentu Geranium. I'll deal with you later."

He continued his task, applying a fertiliser of his own invention before repotting the plant properly and giving it water and sun so that it could regenerate peacefully. Satisfied, he carried his pot to a more suitable spot, holding it firmly by stretching out his arms until it was sheltered. He was pleased as he watched the Mollys blooming perfectly now that they had been repotted; Professor Garlick had been full of praise for him when they had finished putting them back together.

He bent down to finally pick up the plant begging for his attention, cleaning its leaves diligently, barely looking up when William Dale entered in his turn. The young man was undeniably Samantha's brother; they looked very much alike, the difference being mainly in build and personality. He was much more impetuous and arrogant than his sister, and his self-confidence often got the better of him, just think of last year's experience. The fact that she was in Ravenclaw and he in Slytherin was quite revealing.

"Hello Smith. He said, coming up beside him to observe him without discretion.

_ Dale. If you're trying to get poisonous mushrooms out of me, I think I've made myself perfectly clear.

_ Actually, I wanted to share this with you."

William placed a book on the potting table, hesitating briefly.

"Take your time to read it, but it talks about the notable difference in the development of plants depending on where in the world they grow. There's a notable example of floating turnips which, if grown in Denmark, will only fly a metre or two, whereas in Mexico they can grow up to six metres.

_ I seem to have read a similar article about dictamus plants; sometimes atmospheric pressure, temperature or humidity can produce a more effective condensate for potions, but that was still in the experimental phase.

_ My family has contacts and, given our close links with botany going back generations, the publishing house that published it sent us a preview. It's a very interesting study and you could have an exclusive look at it.

Gideon looked at the tempting book, hesitating, and then rested his golden irises on the dashing young man.

"That's very kind of you, Dale.

_ My pleasure. When you meet someone with botany in their blood, you can't help but want to share your knowledge.

_ That's very kind."

Very surprising, considering the character. Gideon clamped his glove between his teeth before gently pulling it from his skin, and ran his fingers over the cover to uncover a few pages. He quickly turned his attention back to the student, looking for a trick. William Dale would never give such a gift without expecting something in return, it wasn't like him, far from it.

"What do you want? the Hufflepuff asked clearly as he abandoned the pages. I've known you for a long time and I know that with you, nothing is free.

_ Well, how about a butterbeer?

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