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Mateo Pov

I got home but of course it was an empty house my dad wasn't probably coming home until tomorrow morning.

I head up to my room dropped my bag and laid down on my bed about to catch some sleep when my phone started ringing.

"Uh H-hello" I answered it was my dad

"Hola mi dulce niño" he said

(Hey my sweet boy)

"Hola papá, ¿vienes a casa esta noche?" I asked

(Hey dad are you going to be home tonight)

"Si amigo pero Vas a estar dormido" he replied

(Yeah buddy but your going to be asleep)

"Oh ok" I said

"Did you eat today and how was school?"

"Yea I did eat it wasn't much but I did and school was good I can say, I think I made a friend" I said unsure

"Really?, you've got to tell me about this friend, what's he or she like" he said chuckling

"Well it's a boy and he's so pretty" I said telling the truth he is pretty

"Ahh you like him?" Dad asked

"N-no" I said

"Sure you don't, but teo eat something for dinner, there's food in the fridge or you can order, do you want me to order something for you" he asked

"N-no dad I-I will just eat t-the food in the f-frigde" I said getting anxious just thinking about eating food

" Mateo are you alright do I need to come home now ?" He asked

"N-no dad you c-can stay till it time t-to come home" I said

"Mateo if you aren't-"

"Dad I-I got to go" I said as I quickly hang up.

I walked downstairs to heat up the food he said was in the fridge

I looked at the food losing my appetite but I knew Dad wouldn't be happy if I didn't eat anything so I settle for some Mac and cheese.

I sat around the kitchen island play with my food I mean I eat a little already but it wasn't much so I started forcing myself to actually eat a good amount.

After I finished eating I looked at the time and it was still pretty early but I didn't have anything to do so I was just going to sleep.

I was laying down lay down on my bed trying to go to sleep when I heard a notification on my phone I thought it was just probably a game notification so I didn't pay it any mind, then I heard another one came in so I decided to check

It was an Instagram notification

Not_Julian started following you.

1 new messages

I clicked on the messages



Its Julian, what are you doing

Nothing I was just about to go to sleep

That's boring send me your number I wanna call


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