Meeting "Him"

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I was walking along the streets of Ikebukuro. I was tired of walking, but I had to get home. I stopped at the park for a while, just to rest my aching legs. " Hey, you're part of the dollars aren't you, pretty girl." a tall man with a yellow scarf on said.My nightmare was comming true. After seeing all of the people that were getting beat up by the yellow scarves. It made my very unsteady and afraid of what would happen to me. The tall man in front of me signaled his group to help him, he smirked, and hit me in the leg with a metal pole. Which made fall to the ground with ease. He started kicking me with his friends joining him. They continued to kick me as I scream in pain. The tall one punched me in the face causing my nose to bleed. I was knocked out cold. When I woke up, I couldn't feel my body, I couldn't even move my fingers, I was hopeless laying there in the rain as tears filled my eyes. There were cuts and bruises now covering my body, and my outfit was ripped in multiple places. Every inch of my body stung and felt dead. I looked on the pavement beside me, it was covered in blood and there was yellow spray paint that read "Yellow Scarves" The tears welling up in my eyes and then tears begin to fall from my eyes. "Are you okay?" I heard a boy's voice, but I couldn't answer. I felt a hand where my pulse was on my neck. This mysterious boy had picked me up and started to walk. After a while I heard doors shut and open, and a soft bed underneath my half dead body, and I fell asleep instantly from exhaustion. When I woke up the boy was sitting next to me on the bed staring at me. "Well, Hi there my beautiful sleepy head" he said as he smiled and started to walk out of the room. " Be right back, please don't miss me." He said as he walked out of the room. After about 10 mins he came back with a fresh pair of clothes, a bowl full of water, and a rag. He sets the bowl and fresh clothes on the nightstand next to me and sits on the bed. " You're gonna have to sit up, i'll help you." He says in a sweet and caring voice, and puts one of his arms around your neck and the other supporting your back. You flinch at his push, and gain enough strength to sit up yourself. He begins to remove your wrecked jacket followed by your T-shirt. " Does this hurt?" He asks and gently rubs one of your wounds with a rag. You shut your eyes from the stinging pain. This continues until all your wounds were cleaned and bandaged. You try to smile with the best smile you could do. "Thanks for the smile, cutie." He said giving you a warm smile and putting his hand on your shoulder. "Oh, you must be hungry to, BRB, cutie." He said. Making you blush. Not long after he left he came back with rice balls. "Here, but if you can't feed yourself, I can feed you." He says. You nod and he picks one of the three rice balls up and holds it in front of your mouth. You take a bite "and my name is Kida, Kida Masaomi. Whats yours?" He gives you a pen and a piece of paper. You write "[Full Name]" on the piece of paper and smile brightly. He smiles back and says "Wow [Name],you have such a beautiful name." He takes your hand and leans towards you. "I will never let them touch you again" He looks down, his hair covering his beautiful and handsome features, as if he was responsible for what happened to you. You patted his shoulder and brought him in for a strong embrace. You trusted him, with all your heart you knew he was nice and pure. His eyes welled up with tears and fell to your back, "I'm sorry, its all my fault you're like this!" He tightens the hug not letting go. You attempt to talk "K-Kida, it's not y-your fault, if it was then y-you would b-be beating m-me r-right now." you put a hand on his head "It's okay." you comfort him. He pulls away from you and he takes a bite of a rice ball pouting, then holds that same one by your mouth. You blush and bit off the same one he did, tasting his saliva, blushing a bit more, laying down on the bed slowly. "what, can't handle a little sharing?" he chuckles and lays down next to you. "Well, you talked to me, your voice is beautiful." He turns his body to face you. You looked at him, staring into his creamy honey colored eyes as he stared into your [e/c] glistening eyes. Somehow you felt a connection, but you didn't know what that connection was.

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