22. Back At School

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Monday, January 8

Bluey and her friends were officially back at school after the new years and the main theme was exams. The midterm exams were taken half way through the year and not nearly as interesting or intense as the finals. This was also the first year that Bingo would be taking the exams unlike Bluey who had been through it already before. 

"So, unlike midterms you're not even allowed to have watches on?" Bingo repeated. "Yep, not even watches that just tell the time." Bluey told the younger Heeler. "Wow, they really don't trust us do they" Bluey stated as they walked into the building. "Nope, see ya Bingo!" Bluey said as she turned a corner. "See ya!" Bingo replied. 

Normally Bingo would have been walking into school with Lila but today she had gotten a drive from her Mum so she walked in with Bluey instead. 

Bingo saw Lila at her locker and walked over. "Hey Lila!" She cheered. "Hey Bingo!" She replied. "Did you remember to bring your chair in for the project?" She asked. "No, isn't it on Thursday we have to bring it in?" Bingo questioned. "No, I'm pretty sure she said Tuesday it was due." Lila answered. "We'll have to ask" Bingo told her. Lila nodded her head and continued grabbing her textbooks. Bingo then followed and grabbed all her supplies and they walked into class, Lila carrying a small arm chair made out of tape and soda cans. "I can take your stuff in for you if you like" Bingo offered. "No, it's ok, I can do it." 

Now into class and after asking the teacher what day the project was due (it was Thursday) they sat down waiting to go to do class connect. Todays subject was about abuse and sexual assault which Bingo and Lila found uninteresting and repetitive. 

Meanwhile Bluey was learning the same thing from Miss Pomeranian except it was more complicated and advanced. 

Bluey sat next to Honey waiting for it to be over. She would have much preferred being in Math than this. Math has never really been Bluey's thing and with the teacher that she had had this year it was a living hell. His name was Mouafo and he was an ugly old pug who was so lazy he didn't even really bother to teach anything. Bluey loathed his existence in every way and she dread going to his class. Normally class connect was a safe haven from it but not today. She didn't want to listen to stories about survivors and how they were treated. She cared but she felt that it didn't really concern her that much. If it didn't have anything to do with her why did she need it or want to hear it. 

Finally the torcher was over and she headed downstairs to science with Mrs Shih Tzu. She took her seat next to Honey and again they waited. "So, are you exited for the double date tomorrow?" Honey asked to fill the silence. "Yeah, but I'm just a bit nervous" the Blue Heeler confessed. "Don't be, you and Mackenzie have been dating for almost a year now and Brody is really nice so there isn't much to worry about. It'll be fun!" Honey said optimistically. "Well, if you insist" Bluey hesitated. 

Mrs. Shih Tzu handed out some assignments that she wanted the students to complete by the end of class and the class got to work, talking as they wrote stuff down.

"Hey Rusty, I was thinking maybe you would wanna go on a walk at lunch with me?" Jack suggested. "Yeah sure" Rusty confirmed. "So, where did you wanna walk to?" Jack interrogated him as he scribbled down a few notes. "Well I don't want to go near the forest because of... that gruesome encounter, what about the convenience store down the road, I'll buy you a slushy." Rusty proposed. "Ok but you don't have to buy me anything" Jack informed the Kelpie. "I know, I want to buy you something." Rusty stated. Jack blushed and concentrated hard on his work hoping Rusty wouldn't notice.


Rusty and Jack walked out the big metal doors. They walked down the path and down the steps on their way to the small, sketchy store down the street. "I wonder if that's the place where everyone gets those Cheezls things" Jack pondered aloud. "Well let's find out" Rusty told him as they approached the building with a line extending around the corner of the shop. "Hey check out all this graffiti, call sam for fetish? christopher is gay? and a whole ton phone numbers." Rusty admired. "I wonder who wrote all this stuff" Jack questioned. "Probably people who are grownups now, both our school and the school behind us have been sharing this place for quite a while now." Rusty filled in. Jack nodded and continued reading the various things on the wall. 

Finally at long last they were accepted into the shop and Rusty bought them both slurpys. Jack got strawberry cream and Rusty chose orange soda. And apparently they did have Cheezls but they were all sold out due to all the previous kids buying them all.

The two walked back to the school with their slurpys in hand. Upon arrival they sat on the hill admiring the view and talking. 

Meanwhile Jean-Luc was once again trying to win over his precious Honey-Cake with little luck. He looked so hopeful on one knee with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Please, just one date, that's all I ask" he pleaded to her. "Hmm, let me think about it, no, why would I want to date a guy like you, if anything I would date one of the football kids, not a wimpy badminton fifth grader like you." She snubbed. She turned around and promptly walked away like she was the baddest bitch in the school.

"Don't listen to her Jean-Luc, she's just a snobby ass plastic bitch" Mackenzie comforted. "There's plenty of fish in the sea, you'll find someone, maybe just not her." Bluey added. "Thanks, here, you can these if you want, don't have anyone else to give them to" Jean-Luc offered melancholically. "Thanks" Bluey smiled. 


The bell rang and it was time to go inside, Bluey with a nice bouquet of fresh flowers and Jean-Luc without a girlfriend. After building up all his confidence it failed but at least he gave it his best shot. "Nice job out there dude, hope you got the girl" Chip spoke up. Jean-Luc gave him a nervous chucked and all he could say was thanks. He felt defeated but at least he made Bluey happy, that was at least one thing he achieved. 

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