part 9.

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TW: mentions of sh

Y/n: Where's Lauryn?

Katie: She's up in her room, she doesn't know yet, do you want to go surprise her?

Y/n: Yeah!

Katie: Come on then kiddo, follow me *walks upstairs* Right you ready *You nod so Katie knocks on the door*

Lauryn: Come in

Katie: I have a surprise for you.

Y/n: *You walk in* Lauryn!

Lauryn: Oh my god, Y/n, I've missed you so much.

Y/n: I've missed you too.

Lauryn: Come here kiddo. *gives Y/n a hug* are you staying here now?

Y/n: Yeah.

Lauryn: That's good, I've missed you so much.

Y/n: I've missed you too Lauryn

Katie: Can Y/n stay up here for a bit, I need to speak to Cait.

Lauryn: Ok Katie.

Y/n: Bye Katie *Katie walks downstairs*

Lauryn: How have you been then kiddo?

Y/n: I'm better now, I've missed you so much.

Lauryn: I am so sorry for leaving you, how bad were they?

Y/n: Umm they kicked me out then I had to live on the streets for a while.

Lauryn: Oh my god, Y/n come here *hugs Y/n* I'm so sorry I left you kiddo.

Y/n: It's ok Lauryn, I know you didn't really have a choice.

Lauryn: You're so mature kiddo.

*meanwhile downstairs with Katie and Caitlin*

Caitlin: Stop Katie, just stop.

Katie: Stop what Cait?

Caitlin: Stop blaming yourself, you couldn't have known that they were doing that to her.

Katie: But I should've, I knew what they were like and I still left her there.

Caitlin: Katie Alison McCabe, you were still a child yourself, stop blaming yourself.

Katie: Sorry, thank you Cait, you're amazing.

*Back with you and Lauryn*

Lauryn: So do you still play football Y/nickname?

Y/n: Not really no.

Lauryn: Oh how come kiddo?
You were amazing when we used to play.

Y/n: When you left, mum and dad stopped me from playing, they threw out my boots and all my stuff and said I couldn't play and that I wouldn't be like you and Katie.

Lauryn: I'm sorry kiddo, how about we go and talk to Katie and you know she'd love you to start playing again.

Y/n: Really?

Lauryn: Yeah of course, come on little one.

*They walk downstairs and into the kitchen where Caitlin is sitting at the breakfast bar and Katie is making a cup of tea for both of them*

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