A night on the town!!

838 22 13

[Angel’s POV]
The next day rolls around. It’s nothing special though, just the same boring bullshit you’d see on any other day. Well at least i thought so..

Today was the start of the angel meeting! Well.. i'm not actually gonna be there but charlie said it was very important. So, all night when me and husky were… doing stuff she literally made a whole plan on what to do if everything went to shit.

And as for the rest of us.. We’ll be guarding the hotel! Until she gets back. Even cherri bomb came to help! But that was all for nothing since Charlie said we could go out for the night. Cherri thought it was a great idea.. Until she saw that she'd be taking the others and not just me. But after some convincing, she agreed. I just hope it Won't go shitty. I mean it’s never a dull moment with her! She’s fun, lively, and makes a hell of a night!

“Ok.. everyone has their phone? Now.. you know me and vaggie won't be back until later, so make the most of tonight! Have a couple of drinks for your hard work!” Charlie exclaimed. I looked at her. “So, when exactly is later? Because.. I don't think nifty should be out all night..”

she sighed. “She’ll be fine. I think.. Look, just keep an eye on her. Ok?” I nodded. “Great! Now we have to go so enjoy your night!” she exclaimed then grabbed vaggie and ran into the portal that opened up to heaven. Then the portal closed and me and the other’s stood there blankly.

Cherri shrugged. “Alright bitches! Time to get fucked up!” she smirked and I did as well. Everyone gathered their things and we all headed out the hotel door.

“Alright, first things first, we need to get drinks!” Cherri said. We all walked into a bar, me and cherri here all the time.

Husk kept grumbling as we walked in. Nifty was looking at all their cleaning supplies and pentious was… trying to get cherri's attention. At least it's entertaining!

A/N: ayyy wussap, another out! Ty for ur time<3

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