28 | Pieces Of His Heart

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Miguel really doesn't want to impose; Thalia seems to want to be left alone. But he cannot bear knowing she's going through a hard time, and he's unable to do anything for her.


She can just accuse him of having a savior complex again. Whatever. He'd rather take that than do nothing.

Resolute, he shuts down his game, puts his parka on, and sets out to make a small gesture – something to let Thalia know he cares, even if it's just a humble offering. A quick drive to Mary Brown's, and two boxes of chicken tenders later, one for him and one for Thalia, he arrives at her apartment.

Placing the box in front of her door, Miguel hesitates. As he's about to press the doorbell, Thalia's voice reaches his ears, and he freezes.

Miguel, not one for eavesdropping, finds himself unexpectedly caught in the web of Thalia's conversation. The mention of the name 'Harry' sends a jolt through him, a name that has never surfaced before in their discussions. Who is Thalia speaking with?

Instinctively, he stumbles backward, kicking away the urge to pry. There will be time to ask Thalia about it later. For now, he's here to bring a little cheer into her world, not to sow seeds of doubt.

However, his moment of self-reflection is interrupted as Thalia's words pierce through the door. The blend of Tagalog and English provides a glimpse into the essence of the conversation, and he grasps all there is to know.

One, this Harry is from her previous workplace.

Two, she is thankful that he communicated with her.

And three, she needs time to think about the offer.

The realization hits Miguel like a tidal wave. His mind whirls as the fragments of information gradually gathering tighten his chest.

Thalia mentioned having the chance to return to her field. It wasn't a result of job hunting in Edmonton; it was because of this offer. This offer would require her to fly back.

The word 'hurt' won't suffice to describe the whirlwind of emotions that crashes into Miguel's being; it is a complex storm. On one hand, he feels a sense of pride and joy that Thalia can move forward, like what she's always wanted. Like what he's always wanted for her, too. But the prospect of losing her will kill him. The pain shall be visceral, his heart will wither away.

He doesn't know how he'll live without her.

Miguel won't be able to tolerate losing Thalia. She's more than a partner; she's already become the love of his life. But how can he stop her from pursuing her dreams? It came from him, too. She's meant for more, and her potential far exceeds the confines of their small grocery store. There, her skills are wasted.

No. Miguel can't repeat his mistakes. He won't manipulate her into staying, not after witnessing the toll this life has taken on her. He's seen what residing here has done to Thalia. The number of tears she's shedded. He can't shackle her to a reality she despises, tying her to him like how he's restrained her using the agreement.

Fingers shaking, Miguel lifts the box quietly and takes a step away from her apartment. Each footfall feels like leaving pieces of his heart behind, a silent sacrifice for the woman he loves. For the woman whose happiness means the world to him.


Thalia has approximately two weeks to think about the offer before Harry starts scouting for someone else to fill that senior research associate gig. Two weeks should be enough for her to figure out what she can bear to lose.

Life's got this knack for messing with Thalia, tossing curveballs her way just when she starts feeling some peace. She's often stuck in situations where keeping both options just isn't in the cards.

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