Such a flirt

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It's been a week since Miguel asked Karsyn to be his girlfriend. And everything was great, they haven't run into any problems. Except for the fact that they've almost been caught a few times.Sometimes they get caught, holding hands or saying flirtatious things, but they have managed to keep their relationship a secret. It was Wednesday after school. and the whole group was hanging out.
They were all sitting in the living room, having a conversation
MT- pineapple belongs on pizza
K-you already know how I feel about this.... pineapple absolutely does not belong on pizza
T-Mikey you're just saying that because she's your girlfriend
Miguel and karsyn felt a little bit of worry thinking they had been caught.
and that moment the couple had felt relief and let go of a breath they didn't realize they were holding.
The conversation went on, and Miguel was zoned out, thinking about his new official girlfriend, to be clear his first girlfriend, including his first kiss. As he was in deep thought, he didn't realize the people around him calling his name. Everyone was calling him, Mikey, Mikey, Mikey, over and over again but the only one who snapped him out of it was when karsyn called his name.
K- Miguel
M-huh what
K-are you ok
M-oh yeah I'm fine I just zoned out

After checking on him, he zoned out again thinking about what just happened. He realized as he thought back on all the times as people would call his name they would all call him Mikey, except for one person.Karsyn. She would never call him by his nickname that everyone referred to him as.(you have no idea how long I have planned this I have purposely done this since chapter 1 to set it up for this moment )he wondered why and pondered on it for a while when he was snapped out of his thoughts by his dazzling girlfriend.
K-hey you wanna go to my room
She whispered
K-ok wait like five minutes so we don't look suspicious
He nodded his head
Five minutes past and he came upstairs when he told people he was going to go hang out with her. They teased him about his crush on his now secret girlfriend.
He walked in to see her on her phone on her bed
He lays down next to her and she continues to look at her phone
She says without glancing away from her phone
Miguel leans over to see her reading something
His eyes went wide as he scanned the words on her phone
He says with a huge smirk on his face  while snatching the phone from her hands.
she yanked the phone out of his hands
M-man you REALLY missed me for those long five minutes didn't cha darling
K-your such a flirt
She said trying to steer the conversation
She went back on her phone ignoring him continuing reading
M-oh don't be embarrassed.Truly I'm very flattered........................You don't need this anymore since I'm here
Grabbing her phone once again. Let's see what I'm doing in your story and we can do that
He saw that there was a part in the book where he pulled her into a short but sweet kiss.
He put the phone down looking at karsyn and saw a red expression on her face and avoided eye contact which wasn't normal for her. was she that flustered? So I decided to mess with her. I pulled her into a kiss but when she tried to back out of the kiss I deepened it by placing my hand on the back of her neck and pulling her towards me.she of course didn't hesitate to kiss back. I pulled her over to me her hands around my neck and both of my hands on her waist rubbing the sides of her stomach in gentle circular motions.we both pulled away from the kiss after a minute but in reality felt like a good way of course.when I looked at her face all I saw was red and shock. I never thought she could get more red,but I was wrong.for some reason we both broke out laughing.we rolled onto the bed still in a fit of laughter.
She turned to me
K-wanna watch a movie
We put on a bugs life and I held her in my arms.all I could think about was that I wished that the moment from a few minutes ago could last forever 

Ding her phone went off
K-oh gosh
K-it's Kylie, she said....she likes mason
M-that's great
K-no Miguel, no it's not
M-why it's like us? I'm dating my best friends sister.its the same
K-it's hardly the same.shes not good enough for him
M-he said the same thing about me and I thought you liked Kylie
K-I love her but Miguel,she runs through guys.its the same thing they get hooked start dating then she breaks their hearts

894 words
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter
IM SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG I LOST MOTIVATION and probably will again but anyway love y'all byeeee

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