Day 3 learning Rules and Punishments and Awards

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Warning force feeding kicking spanking gag pacifier

Stella pov
I woke up feeling uncomfortable. I tried to talk until I realized that I had a gag pacifier in my mouth. I let yesterday's events playback in my head. It was awful so I will just obey Natasha that way I can't get punished. Then escape once I have the chance. I try to kick the blanket off of me. I gave up after ten minutes of trying.
Natasha came in and took the blanket off me. She took the IV out of my arm then put a cotton ball on where the IV was. "What bandaid do you want a princess or superhero?" she asks. I point to the superhero one. "Good choice princess now let's get you changed," she says putting the band-aided on. She unstraps me from the bed. I'm carried to the room I was in before, I assume that this is her room. I am set down on the changing table then my arms are strapped in. I grunt showing my displeasure. "I know I know you don't like it but this is until you can be Mama's good girl and behave. You will feel nice and clean in a minute baby," Nat says in a baby voice. She undos the diaper cleaning me up. "Looks like you had to go a lot yesterday and last night huh," she coos.
I just wiggle around trying to get out tired of laying here. "Star stay still. Mama still has to finish changing you," she says sternly. I quickly stop moving and let her finish. "Good girl,"she praises. Nat puts on some baby powder then cream.
She grabs a new diaper strapping the diaper on my button. She grabs a onesie putting my legs in it then unstraps my arms and puts them in she then zips it up. "There is my clean princess," she coos. I roll my eyes. Big mistake I feel a slap on my thigh. "Don't roll  your eyes at me ever let's get you some food ," she says. I get picked up and brought to the kitchen, she sets me in the highchair I was in a couple of days ago. I wiggled in the seat feeling uncomfortable.  Nat comes back with mashed bananas and strawberries.
She sits in front of me bringing the spoon up to my mouth. "Open up your mouth Star here comes the Cho Cho train," she says in a baby voice. I open my mouth letting her feed me. "Good girl," she praises wiping my mouth. This goes on for another twenty minutes.  Nat cleans up the dishes well I just sit there and think about what has happened to me over the past couple of days.  She picks me up bringing me out of my thoughts. Nat walks to the living room grabbing something then sitting us down on the couch. "Now little Star I have some rules for you and some punishments if you don't follow my rules," she says. My eyes go wide at the long list of rules that I see on the paper.

STELLA's Rules
1. Must always wear a diaper when in little space
2. Call me Mama or Mommy when talking to me
3. Must eat everything I give you
4. Do everything I tell you to do
5. Bedtime at 8:00 o clock
6. Come to me for permission when one of your uncles or aunts ask you do something  or offers you something
7. A couple of hours of screen time
8. Tell me where you are going weather  in little space or big space
9. Don't talk back to me or roll your eyes at me
10.No swearing
11. Must get a bath everyday ofc with my help
12. Must use pacifier in little space

Nat goes over the rules a couple times. "Star do you understand all your rules?" she asks. I nod my head. "Good there might  be more rules added on if I think you need more. Now let's go over some punishments,"'she says. I begin to cry I don't want any more punishments. "Shh shh it's ok they are there to protect you princess," she says softly rubbing my back. I calm down after a moment. "Now that you are calm ready to go over  the punishments?" she asks softly. I nod my head.

STELLA's Punishments
1. Time out
2. Early bedtime
3. No screen time
4. Spankings
5. Staying in a dirty diaper until I feel like you had enough
6. Food supplements =No solid food for a day or week depends on how naughty you are
7. Punishment room where you will be staying the night strapped on a bed with an IV attached to your arm and other things
8. Wearing a gag pacifier until  I want to remove it
9.  Force feeding
10. Sitting in a cold water for ten minutes
11. Taking away your toys away for an  hour or two

She repeats the punishments a couple of times. "Do you understand the punishments Star," she asks. I nod my head. "Good girl," she praises placing a kiss on my cheek. "Now let's go over the rewards," she says.

STELLA's Rewards
1. Later bedtime
2. More screen time
3. Movie Day with Mama
4.  Gets Ice cream
5. Gets to pick out a brand new toy or something that you want
6. Extra cuddles
7. Gets to sleep with Mama in big bed

Natasha repeats the list over and over again. "Do you understand the reward list princess?" she asks. I nod she takes out my gag pacifier. "I need words baby do you understand your rules punishments, and rewards," she asks. "Yes I understand them," I say. "Yes I understood them who are you talking to Star?" she asks.  I sigh, "Yes I understand Mama," I say. "Good girl now let's get you ready for your nap and  get you a bottle," she says.
She brings me back to the kitchen and sets me down in my highchair. She grabs some blocks for me to play with well she does something. I just build a tower with the blocks. After a couple minutes she comes back with a bottle. She picks me up takes me to her room.  She gets in her bed with me.
I'm put in a cradle position. "Open up princess let's get that tummy full," she says in a baby voice. I look at her then the bottle contemplating my decision.  "Детка  (baby) open your mouth for Mama?" she asks. I open my mouth letting her feed me."That's my good little baby," she says placing a kiss on my forehead. After a couple minutes I begin to feel sleepy and suddenly have the urge to go to the bathroom. I try to take the bottle out, she grabs my hand placing a kiss on it.
"You probably figured out that I put a small sedative in there along with a laxative this is to help your body get used to your new routine. Also to help your muscles relax so you can go potty or do the big one. I know you have to, so this will help," she says. I just close my mouth not wanting anymore. "Do you remember rule number 3?" she asks. I nod. "I need words Детка (baby)," she says. "Yes I remember rule 3 eat everything that you give me but I'm not hungry anymore," I say. My stomach betrays me by grumbling. Nat laughs "It seems you are now let's finish your bottle," she says. I shake my head.  "I wasn't asking Star now open your mouth so you can finish your bottle," she says sternly.  I shake my head again. She sighs "You were doing so good today but you decided to be naughty," she says. Nat grabs my chin squeezing my cheeks until my mouth opens then she forces the bottle in. Warm milk goes down my throat I don't swallow the milk. Nat massages my throat making my throat swallow the milk. I am mad at Nat so I start kicking her with all my strength in the stomach. "Star you are being very naughty right now stop kicking me. Or you will get consequences you won't like," she says. I don't care and keep kicking her. Nat holds my legs still well she finishes feeding me. The next thing I know is that Nat is doing is pressing abdomen. I grab her hand trying to stop her. She grabs my hand with her other hand and holds my hand tightly. I feel my bladder releasing all the liquid that I have been holding. She gets up heads to the changing table she takes off the onesie throwing it in the bin then straps me in. Nat changes me into a clean diaper. She leaves for a couple minutes coming back with the gag pacifier. "I'm sorry please I don't want that in my mouth. Please I'm sorry. Mama please no please don't I'll be good," I say. "You need to learn that being naughty is going to bring consequences," she says. "Mama please no I'll be good I promise," I beg. Nat shakes her head. She comes over to me I start moving my head so at least she can't put the gag pacifier in. Nat just holds my head still putting the pacifier in. She undos my straps then sits on her bed pulling my diaper down and starts spanking me over and over again repeatedly. This goes on for two minutes until my bottom is beat red. She pulls up my diaper and then sits me on her lap. "Star do you know why you got punished?" she asks wiping my tears away with her thumb. I nod, "I hope when you are done with your nap you will be in a better mood," she says walking me over to the crib grabbing the sleeping sack and putting me in it. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and forehead then lays me down. "Have a great nap hope you are in a better mood when you wake up," she says leaving. I just stare up at the celling thinking about everything and nothing. I fell asleep after a while considering she gave me a small sedative.

A/n Hope you enjoy 😉

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