Chapter Sixty-Eight

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All at once, my eyes grow wide, my lungs seize up, and my throat constricts on reflex. I feel the point of impact throb with startling intensity, the roaring pain spreading like wildfire to the surrounding tissue in a never-ending rippling effect.

The nerves in my left butt cheek go into overdrive mode, their synapses firing and screaming their protest, telling my brain and the rest of my body that I'm in pain. But I also realize that the pain is laced with something else. Something more...sensual.

I can almost feel his large handprint taking form on my bruised flesh, and I can literally feel pure heat radiating from where he slapped me, scorching up like a furnace. And in that instant, my pussy follows suit without hesitation, burning and pulsing viciously in tandem with my ass cheek as a mesh of pins, needles, and tingles explode inside and around my groin, as if it got some sort of strange contact high from the intensity and speed of Frost's inflicted blow. The sensations bombard my body like several little missiles all at once and it's just too much to take, too sudden, too abrupt, and too overwhelming to process all at the same time.

Impulsively, I start to open my mouth, ready to scream "What the fuck!" but I quickly remember that there's the stupid thermometer lodged in it. By some miracle, it doesn't come flying out, along with several ounces of my saliva, but it certainly comes close. I have to lock my jaw to stop it from falling out of my mouth, and for those severely disorienting seconds, even the simple, biological act of swallowing is proving to be a Herculean task.

My nostrils flare as they forcefully expunge hot air from my body, only to drag more in just as harshly. My head whips itself around with record speed, my neck contorting itself so that I can glare at him over my shoulder with eyes that have quickly become watery; a by-product of his hand's collision with my ass.

But then, without giving me further chance to react, he does it. In one swift, determined, and seamless motion, he swipes the thermometer generously and intentionally against the pool of hot liquid gathered at my inner thigh, coating and lubricating the tip with my come, and then inserts it into my anus, pushing it into my rectum.

My instincts immediately kick into full gear, my body going into beast mode as adrenaline and a host of other hormones flood it, absolutely mortified by his actions and screaming at me to take flight. And without conscious thought, my body responds. My lower body lurches forward in retreat, my hips jerking sharply, pushing themselves into the edge of the bed, trying to evade the unexpected assault. My torso simultaneously goes rigid, and my entire upper body arches as it leans back against the unwelcome invasion, my glutes squeezing against each other and flexing even harder while my sphincter muscles clench with all their might in another simultaneous attempt to deny him and his stupid thermometer access. But my body's efforts prove to be futile. I'm not going anywhere, and he's making sure of that. His large hands grip at my waist and butt cheek like a vice, his strong fingers digging into my skin, firmly holding me in place. And the barrier of the bed doesn't help either, giving me no room to escape. But I'm stubborn, and so is my body, and it makes a few more compulsive attempts to push it out, but the thermometer doesn't budge, and I increasingly feel the shocking, cold steel of the tip, slick with the natural lube of my pussy, a stark contrast to my scorching insides.

I'm trying to register everything that's going on, trying to make sense of things, but I feel it's all happening too fast for my poor brain to keep up with. Somehow, the action is painfully slow and too quick at the same time, too abrupt and startling, something I simply couldn't be prepared for even though he clearly told me he was going to do it. I feel the thermometer stretching me open, spreading me in a way that makes me feel unbelievably exposed and violated. I know I'm no expert on thermometers, but from what I've seen so far, a typical thermometer—even a rectal one, I imagine—is usually only about a quarter inch thick. This one, on the other hand, seems to be about an inch in diameter and at least eight inches long. I can't help notice that it also looks a hell of a lot like a vibrator, for that matter. That's definitely not a detail anyone could ignore.

Doctor-Patient Confidentiality: New Adult Enemies-to-Lovers RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now