Chapter Eighty-Seven

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I head into the kitchen and grab the lone, half-empty bottle of water from the fridge and take a sip, letting my lips linger at the mouth for a moment. And, for the billionth time today, I wonder why he asked me to drink so much water before coming. It freaked me out when I first read the text. Hell, it's still freaking me out now. As much as I hate to admit it to myself, though, underneath all the nervousness and anxiety, there's also...something else.

Curiosity, maybe? I dunno.

My tongue instinctively pushes into the hole, blocking the opening and stopping the water from flowing into my mouth. Without thinking, my eyes flutter closed and I relish in the wet, cool sensation for a few seconds, and before I even know it, my brain shocks me by imagining Frost's lips and tongue on the bottle, sipping the water down...only to hold it in his mouth and release it into mine.

My pussy throbs emphatically, pulsating with an eagerness that it hasn't felt since the last time I saw him. I feel the slightest trickle of moist heat escape from inside me, spreading onto my panties and dampening their cotton strip. I have to steel myself against the overwhelming sensation and the building arousal in my core. The last thing I want is to show up at his place smelling like sex before anything has even happened. Just how pathetic and desperate would that make me look?

Besides, these "sessions" of his may involve a shit ton of sex, and potentially other unconventional activities which I'm trying my damnedest not to think about right now, but they're still business transactions at the end of the day.

And that's all they are.


None of this is actually about pleasure—at least not mine, anyway. He made that crystal clear in that stupid contract of his.

Still, in spite of knowing that, my pussy continues to throb incessantly. I still feel this paradoxical sense of both fear and excitement. I just can't decide which I feel more of.

I try to not let my imagination get the best of me, but I can't seem to stop playing out potential scenes of what he has planned in my head. The uncertainty and anticipation are really, really getting under my skin. I seriously don't know just how much more I can take at this point. I need to leave. Now. Before I yank every single strand of hair out of my scalp.

I tilt the bottle higher, finishing off the remaining water before tossing the empty bottle on the counter. I grab my coat and my keys, quickly checking all the windows and appliances to make sure everything is locked and secured. I place the duffel bag over my shoulder, biting my lip in uncertainty as I walk towards the door.

I force myself to stop obsessing and wondering about what lies ahead of me tonight. It's not like worrying or stressing over the situation is helping any. In fact, it's only making my anxiety worse. I'll drive myself insane if I keep this up.

I look around tentatively, my slightly twitchy eyes darting left and right, hoping I don't miss anything important as I do one last sweep of my room and the rest of the apartment. I make sure not to forget my birth control and MP3 player. Lord knows I'll need both now more than ever if I'm going to survive this weekend with Frost.

Don't worry about it, Roni. You'll be just fine, I tell myself, hoping that my little internal pep-talk actually works. And, surprisingly, it does. Well...sort of, anyway.

With a somewhat renewed—but very brief—sense of resolve and a really deep breath, I make my way towards the door.

That's right. One foot in front of the other.

Doctor-Patient Confidentiality: New Adult Enemies-to-Lovers RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now