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---Alex's POV---
We get to Justine's place and began making out. I pinned her against the wall and began kissing her up and down.

"Bedroom's down hallway," Justine stated. "Third door on the left. Do you have protection?"

"No," I replied. "But I do have a clean bill of health." Justine shrugged at me.

"Just remember to pull out." Justine stated. I carried Justine to the bedroom, placed her on the bed and we did it. With nothing but the sheets covering us, we were at it. It was if our bodies were made for each other. However, the moment was ruined when I forgot to pull out.

"Sorry...." I mumbled. Justine sighed.

"Alex..." Justine muttered. I pulled Justine close to me.

"I got caught up in the moment." I stated. Justine sighed and rested her head on my chest.

"Just don't go yet." Justine stated.

"Don't worry," I stated. "I'm not going anywhere tonight." Justine and I cuddled up. Justine fell asleep. I felt like my deceased girlfriend was with me again. I lost Alexxis to a mugger. She and my sister in-law, Roni, were coming home from a bar. A drunk guy crashed his car, stumbled over to the girls, and attempted to get the keys to the lambo I gifted Alexxis for her birthday last year. However, while Roni struggled to find anything valuable, Alexxis attacked the mugger. Alexxis was killed, and the mugger ran off. I shifted my focus to help Roni recover from the trauma. However, I never got over her.

I woke up the next morning next to Justine. I heard something break. Justine quickly jumped up and ran to the living room. I heard drilling from the living room. I got up and went to see what was going on.

"What is going on?" I muttered. Justine looked at me.

"Sorry," Justine stated. "My house is constantly falling apart." I looked over to see a wedding picture.

"You're married?!" I shouted.

"Widowed." Justine stated. I nodded.

"I am so sorry." I stated. Justine finished up.

"Don't be." Justine stated. "It's not your fault unless you were the driver that killed him."

"No," I replied. "I have never killed anyone in my life." Justine nodded.

"So," I asked. "Do you want to go get breakfast?"

"No." Justine stated. "I'd rather not. Last night was a mistake."

"I didn't think it was." I stated.

"Alex," Justine stated. "You seem like a nice guy. However, you deserve someone like you. Look at my life. My house it barely holding itself together." I nodded, grabbed a pen and paper, and went to write my number down when I saw at the top of the page "Ideas for 'Escape The Night.'"

"You're the new head writer Roi hired?" I asked.

"You know Roi?" Justine asked.

"He's my business partner." I replied. Justine gulped.

"I am so sorry Mr. Burriss," Justine stated. "I didn't know you were also my boss. I--"

"Call me Alex," I stated. "And this doesn't stop me from--"

"Alex," Justine stated. "This can't happen again. Maybe in another lifetime. This one, however, isn't meant to be." Justine kissed my cheek and ushered me out of the house. Once she closed the door, I sighed and walked away.

I walked into the office, sat at my desk, and sighed. Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I stated. Roi opened the door and walked in.

"Hey," Roi asked. "How was your first night out in over a year?"

"A girl stole my heart," I replied. "And broke it when she found out I was your business partner."

"Who?" Roi asked.

"The new head writer for 'Escape The Night.'" I replied.

"Did you two--" Roi went to ask before stopping himself.

"No protection." I replied. Roi sighed in frustration.

"Listen," Roi stated. "I don't know if I should be mad at you for fucking our new writer or glad you're not hung up on Alexxis still. Did you develop some feelings for Justine?"

"Yes," I replied. "I did. She reminds me of Alexxis." Roi sighed.

"Don't go onto set." Roi stated. "Let her come to you if she developed feelings for you. She probably feels awful."

"She wanted to pretend last night didn't happen." I stated. "It hurts knowing she doesn't feel the same way."

"Listen," Roi stated. "If I know anything about love, it's that if it's meant to happen, it will happen. You can't force destiny."

"I can persuade it." I stated.

"No." Roi stated. "Just don't tamper with it. If it doesn't happen, there is always other fish in the sea." Roi made a fish face and began flapping is hands to act like fish fins. I chuckled.

"Okay," I stated. "I will let her come to me.... Though I am slightly concerned about her living conditions." Roi raised his eyebrow.

"How bad is it?" Roi asked.

"Her house is falling apart." I replied. "Just this morning, she was fixing a crack. I don't know why she stays there."

"In my opinion," Roi "It's probably the same reason why you still hold onto the ring you wanted to give Alexxis."

"You knew she was a widow?" I asked.

"Yeah," Roi replied. "I've been following her work for years. Her and her husband were childhood sweethearts. They got married right out of college. They would of had their happily ever after if it wasn't--"

"For a drunk driver killing him?" I asked.

"You know it." Roi stated. I sighed and looked at the picture of Alexxis on my desk.

"Should I at least send her flowers?" I asked.

"Yeah," Roi replied. "You should probably send her flowers." I went online and bought Justine flowers and put my number on the card in case she ever changed her mind about me. I immediately sent her the flowers and waited.

Later, I got home and laid down on the couch. I began thinking of last night. I clung onto the ring on my necklace and sighed.

"I miss you Alexxis." I whispered. I cried myself to sleep, like I did almost every night since losing her.

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