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---Alex's POV---
I called Roi on Zoom to connect with our Japanese branch like we do every Friday night. Roi picked up.

"Hey," Roi stated. "How did the appointment go?"

"We're having three babies." I stated. "It's going to be chaotic to say the least."

"Three?!" Roi shouted. I heard Monette come into the room.

"What's wrong?" Monette asked.

"Alex and Justine are having triplets." Roi replied.

"Triplets?!" Monette shouted.

"How are you not freaking out?!" Roi exclaimed.

"I don't know," I replied. "I guess I felt like I should stay calm for Justine's sake."

"How did she react?" Monette asked.

"She fainted." I replied. The Tokyo branch attempted to call in.

"That's us." Roi stated. Monette walked out and Roi began the meeting.

After the meeting was over, I walked into my room to see Justine waiting for me.

"I told my parents," Justine stated. "They were confused at first. Now, they want to meet you while they're down next month."

"Okay," I stated. "I hope they're as humble as you are."

"They are," Justine stated. "However, they don't know about the ten year age gap." I crawled into bed and kissed Justine's bump.

"Do they know it's triplets?" I asked.

"That's the only thing I told them." Justine stated. I got out of bed and started to remove my shirt.

"So they don't know anything about me?" I asked. Justine shook her head.

"For all we know," Justine stated. "They could think we are madly in love."

"I'm madly in love with you." I stated. I kissed Justine's bump again. I took my pants off and replaced them with my pj's.

"I know you are." Justine stated. "I don't know what I'm feeling right now." I kissed Justine's forehead and hugged her.

"I'll be here waiting." I stated. "I know there's something there, otherwise you wouldn't be in my bed cuddling me."

"I never said there wasn't anything there," Justine stated. "I do have feelings for you, but I'm having trouble letting go." Justine cuddled up to me.

"Take your time." I stated. "Like I said, I'm not going anywhere." Justine rested her head on my chest and placed her hand on her bump.

"All I know is that if I lose you," Justine stated. "I would be devastated. I don't think I could handle another heart break. Plus, I can't raise the babies on my own."

"Don't worry," I stated. "I updated my will this morning. You and the triplets are set for life, even if something happens to me."

"Was that what you were doing in your office this morning?" Justine asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I was telling my lawyer that I was updating my will just so you and the triplets could be set for life. I don't want you struggling again, especially with three babies." Justine kissed my cheek.

"You're so sweet." Justine stated. "But, you don't have to put me in your will."

"I want to though." I stated. "Plus, I have enough to go around."

"You're the best." Justine stated. I played with Justine's hair until she fell asleep.

---Justine's POV---
I woke up, not feeling as sick as I was yesterday. My head was on Alex's chest while Alex was asleep with his hand on my bump. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I got out, I got dressed and walked out to see Alex was awake.

"Good morning," Alex stated. "Sleep well?"

"Yes," I replied. "I did." I cuddled up to Alex.

"A few days ago," Alex stated. "You wouldn't even look at me. Now you're cuddling and kissing my cheek." I sighed.

"I didn't want to get too close." I stated. "Especially since you're my boss."

"I get it." Alex stated. "You stole my heart though."

"How so?" I asked. Alex began playing with my hair.

"You remind me of Alexxis." Alex replied. "You're caring, loving, smart, loyal--"

"You remind me of him," I stated. "I'm not going to lie. You're a sweetheart, you're hardworking, you take care of all four of us.... Well, I think we both get the point." Alex kissed my forehead.

"Why don't we separate the boss-employee relationship," Alex asked. "And just be... Us?"

"As in two loving soon-to-be parents?" I asked. "Or some sort of 'more than just friends' kind of deal?"

"More." Alex replied. "I want to be more than just co-parents."

"You want to be boyfriend and girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yes." Alex replied. "I do. However, I am asking you the proper way." Alex got out of bed, got dressed, and ran downstairs. I got up and got dressed. I went to investigate what Alex was doing. I went downstairs to see Alex running out of his office and setting up the table.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to be romantic." Alex replied. "I ordered us pizza from Pizza Hut, got us McDonald's fries, and I got you flowers."

"Funny," I stated. "That's exactly how Joon-Woo asked me to be his girlfriend, except it was over a couple of Happy Meals and he gave me a Ronald McDonald Beanie Baby." Alex chuckled.

"That is adorable." Alex stated.

"What can I say," I stated. "The way to a five year old's heart was through chicken nuggets and a happy meal toy." Alex pulled out his phone and pressed a few buttons.

"I'm going to take you out for dinner instead," Alex stated. "I can't compete with a Happy Meal toy." I chuckled.

"Alex," I stated. "I don't need you to spend money on me just to ask me to be your girlfriend. Joon-Woo's 'Proposal' came from the heart. I want yours to come from the heart as well."

"Alright," Alex stated. "It's going to come from the heart..... Justine Ezarik? Mother of my children? Will you officially be my girlfriend?" I smiled and kissed Alex's cheek.

"Of course I will Alex." I stated. Alex kissed my hand and lead me to the table.

"You must be hungry." Alex stated.

"I am starving." I stated. Once the food arrived, Alex and I sat down and ate.

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