Chapter 13 - Second First Date

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Jamie skipped into her bedroom and twirled around.
"Well, that's was fun! Did you see his face?!"
Jamie went to step forward, tripped a little over her shoe and fell forward and used Loki's shoulders to stop herself.
He laughed a little and helped steady her.
"You always did love the magic!"
She raised up and looked at him. Their faces were very close and she gulped some.
"I...I...wanna hear more about us...please.."
She said softly as they kept staring into each other's eyes.
Loki smiled at her. "Well, would you like to go on a date with me? I can help show you our first date.
Jamie looked at him confused a little.
Loki backed up a little and looked down.
"That's...if you want to...I don't want you to feel..."
Jamie smiled and grabbed his hand.
"I would love to! I just was shocked because no one has ever asked me out before. Most are intimidated by me...just refreshing that the feeling is mutual."
"Well, truth be told, I am intimidated but I can't stay away. You intoxicate me."
Jamie blushed and looked away.
"So when would you like to take me out?"
"How about tomorrow night? I want to make sure things are perfect!"
"You don't got to go through much...I am not picky..we could go get a hot dog down town for all I care"
"I just want it to be something you will remember.  Please let me do this...for you?"
"Well, if you must..." Jamie said with a little laugh. "Now should we work on my magic or another training session?"

"I would love to but Thor needs me to help with something...but I will train with you tomorrow morning?"
"Sounds good! You have fun! I'll see you in the morning!" Jamie smiled at him and waved as Loki turned to leave.

Jamie went back downstairs and walked into the foyer where Dr. Strange and Tony was talking.
Jamie grabbed her jacket and started putting her shoes on.
"Where you going?"
"I need to go...umm dress shopping..."
"Dress shopping? You don't strike me as the type who wears dresses?" Tony said with a raised eyebrow.
"I have a date and don't have one. So yeah." Jamie finished tying her shoes.
"A date? With who?" Strange whipped around towards her.
"No one you really know" she shrugged.
She looked up at them both and grabbed her keys. "I be back for see you then bro" and she headed out the door.
"Well, it seems their talk went well.
"I highly doubt they moving that fast. She just found out...and she seemed pretty upset that we lied to's gonna take more than him flashing that mischievous smile at her. "
"Let's hope you are right!" Tony said as he walked out the door and down the steps.

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