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“Are we going to the same place as the others?”

“Awfully curious about a group of people you have no clue about. Are you sure you aren't some investigator for the Cloud?”

“Investigating what, Your Highness, how the Sha get together for a mass orgy? Is that not what we're walking into?”

“What Cloud member speaks like you? You have to be a guard's kid. Those are the only ones of your quite stoic pack that talk so recklessly. Do you even know what a regular orgy would include, let alone a mass one?”

“Would you,” Naki quipped back because his presence caused Aiden problems and it amused him. He was childish, what could he say? “His Highness gives, one and only, wait at someone's feet and whine when he doesn't get attention. He's also giving, could go get his own meals but instead he whimpers about being hungry.”

Aiden narrowed his eyes at Sega's cackle ringing through the narrow corridor. The Cloud brat had balls of steel and that obviously made Sega lust more. “Aren't you mighty invested in a man whose face you can only half see? How are you so hungry for this little chili pepper when you don't know if he's just a pickle parading as a pepper?”

“Pickle, pecker, whatever you call your bereft log is fine your Highness, but bullying me because Sega would like to taste whatever vegetable I am hiding is unfair. Aren't we both Shiva?” Naki turned to walk backwards, his tail coiling out to tap Aiden's soft and trimmed golden beard. “Let's be friends, not foes~ Treat me nicely and I'll make you curl those toes~”

“Listen here you promiscuous little poet, come here, don't flirt with him. Who's giving you your every desire? I've been at your beck and call and here you are -”

Sega had a hand curled around Naki's hip, pulling him against his body and away from Aiden who took up most of the narrow hall. The lights flickered and it caused the kings to look up in distraction. Sega felt hands on his face, grasping and guiding him down before he felt something soft and deliciously plump against his mouth before the lights returned.

Ice blue eyes stared at the brown bunny while Aiden looked around in confusion before noticing their silence. “Was that-”

“Yes to both your questions. Your Majesty was pouting and voiced his displeasure with me. Did I fix it? Are you now aware that you should tell me yes at all times and your reward will be wonderful?”

Sega's head bobbed like one of those mechanical bird things that dipped into water for no fathomable reason. “Yes to both your questions. Do that again though and I'll use King Aiden as a bed and take a sneak peek of my reward.”

Sega licked along his lips, the taste against them made him hungry. “Gods I want to be dick deep in you like I'm trying to mimic a chocolate popsicle. I always wondered how they got the cream inside.”

Sega felt a heavy weight at his back and the envious Sun King had a hand around the base of his jaw before he could react in the small space.

The nerve of this big ass hand to be anywhere near my neck. I feel his Alpha ring pressing against my skin like this puppy thinks he could brand me. Overgrown mutt! Does he think he's allowed to lick a pedigree-

Sega made some sort of not tough guy noise at the hot tongue licking over his like he was a never discovered flavor.

Woof? Wait what? What was that I just… Something about letting him lick me like he wanted to earn a degree in the subject? Why the fuck does this tongue know what it's doing?!

Sega huffed, pushing the big body against the wall and jerking Aiden forward by the vest. “You better watch it you majestic lion! You might make me see hot gold shit but I'll melt your ass. Want to know what's hotter than the sun?”

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