Chapter 3

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~~Lloyd POV~~
I can't sleep, I'm too busy thinking about the crap that happened today. I cannot stop thinking about Harumi for that matter, I thought I had lost her and a few hours ago she comes walking up to the Monastery gates.

Don't get me wrong, it's nice to know that she is ok... it's just that...well we haven't been able to find Jay and we don't know where Cole is at the moment either let alone Master Wu or Pixel. I just want my family to be reunited again. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on my door.

"Who would be up at this time?" I whispered. I opened the door to find Arin, looking disheveled with messy hair and tired eyes.

"Are you ok Arin?" I asked quietly, careful not to wake the others.

"I just can't sleep..." Arin said softy, as his voice trailed off as if he was thinking of what else to say.

"That's okay...come inside" I say motioning him inside my room.

"I hope I did not wake you up Lloyd" he said like he was going to get in trouble.

"Oh no it's fine" I say reassuringly.

"I was up anyways thinking" I say giving a soft smile.

"Why are you up at..." Arin's voice trailed off as he looked at the clock on my nightstand, to see what time it is as it read 2:35 a.m.

Arin's eyes widened as he looked back at me. " 2:35 in the morning?!" He whisper yelled.

"Well I should be asking you the same thing Arin" I say to get the focuse away from me.

Arin looked down at his feet with a sad smile. I could tell something was on his mind when he looked back at me and sighed.

"I'm just wondering...why are you so happy that Harumi is here?" Arin said quietly while looking back at my bed, seeing another sleeping figure.

"I mean like didn't she do terrible things? Like I don't know...DESTROYING NINJAGO! With Lord Garmadon" Arin spoke as quietly but also as loudly as possible without waking anyone else.

"You don't understand Arin" I replied looking back at Rumi.

Arin started questioning me and I was getting a little bit annoyed. That was until I felt a rush of anger sweep over me.

"I'm just trying to understand...WHY!!, you would let someone like her in?!"Arin yelled.

I looked at the trim of my doorway, anxious to see if anyone had awoken from Arin's outburst. And that's when I saw the hall lights flip on and Nya burst through the door. I also saw from out the corner of my eye, Harumi had jumped out of her sleep and was looking at me and Arin.

"What the heck is going on in here?!" Nya yelled concern clear in her voice.

I had finally lost my patience. "WILL EVERYBODY GET OUT!!" I yelled watching Arin, Nya, and Rumi look at me in surprise. I covered my mouth in shock at what I had just done and ran out of the bedroom and slammed the door to the bathroom. I slid against the door till I hit the floor. I sat there taking sharp breaths, thinking about what I had just done.

My Oni side had shown, yes I did not have the purple fire, but my anger in the situation had confirmed my greatest fears. "My oni side is starting to show again" I whispered in shaky breaths.



I was driven away from my thoughts when a soft knock was heard on the door behind me.

"Lloyd?...are you ok in there?" Someone asked with concern in their voice.

"Y-yea, just washing up, you know." I said trying to hide the scared tone in my voice. I wasn't really paying any attention to the sounds of the persons voice until I opened the door.

"Rumi?" I said a little shocked she came to see if I was okay.

"Lloyd are you sure you are okay?" She replied to my previous statement, while taking my hand in hers.

I felt heat creep up on my cheeks as she started to caress my knuckles with her soft hands.

I looked down at her as she looked at me. "Let's go back to bed it's pretty late" I said quickly.

"Y-yea, let's go back to bed" she said quietly.

We made our back to my room and quietly shut the door. Arin and Nya had left earlier when I had my little episode.

We both laid down and almost instantly Rumi had fallen asleep, it was around 3:25 in the morning when I finally drifted off to sleep.


When I had awoken I was standing in a dark room, I couldn't really see but I could tell that the room had very faint dragon paintings. When my eyes got used to the dark I could see the colors of the room, very faintly like it was an ancient temple or something.

The room had a dark purple and black backsplash with gold and sky blue inscriptions on the walls. When I looked around I saw Lord Ras and Jordanna on one side of the room and Kai, Nya, Zane, Arin, Sora, and WyldFyre on the other side.

Everyone was in a fighting stance and looked ready to pounce at any moment they had serious looks on their faces, but at the same time they looked terrified.

I turned my head and there was a golden mirror, I could feel the color drain from my face as I saw what was in the mirror. My oni form.

"NO!, no, no, no, this can't be happening!" I yelled mortified. I held my upper hands on my head trying to de transform, but alas it didn't work.
I then found my self fighting WITH Lord Ras and Jordanna against my friends. I opened my eyes once again and all I saw was blood. I looked around and saw all my friends on the floor groaning in pain.

I looked trying to find Rumi. I scanned the room one more time and I finally saw her. Her beautiful blonde almost white colored hair wasn't blonde anymore, it had hints of blood in it and she was crying and groaning in pain while holding her side.

I looked down at my hands and saw that the golden claws were dripping with blood. I saw Lord Ras and Jordanna howling in laughter at the action I had just committed. I fell to my knees sobbing, I felt hot tears roll down my face , while I was looking at the floor unable to lift my head as I couldn't look up to see what I had done to my family.
I woke up in a cold sweat and shaky breaths. I felt hot tears rolling down my face and I felt like I couldn't move.

When I was finally brought back to reality I quickly looked at Rumi, who was peacefully asleep beside me, to see if she was ok and she was. I couldn't believe what I had just saw.

I looked over at my nightstand to check the clocked and to my surprised it was only 4:00 in the morning. For the rest of the hour before I had to wake my students, I just laid on my side of the bed, thinking and wondering if my dream was just a nightmare or if it was a vision.

I guess we would have to fine out in the future. Something I am not going to be happy to see.

OMG guys this is insane, this is actually my longest chapter!!!! It took me forever to write this...PLEASE comment and tell me what you think!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter😁😁.

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