1. Only for men?

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"'Only for men?' WHAT THE HAIL." your yells could be heard all over the building. 

"Y/n, calm down bro. Your screams could be heard all over the city." Zoro, who had just woken up commented. 

But you were in the middle of cursing the organizers to hear his comments. 

"What happened?" Ace asked in the midset of panting. He lived in the apartment next to yours and rushed from there when he heard your yells. He thought something bizarre happened here. Someone robbed you both? Zoro got lost again? Your car got thrashed again? Your fridge fell on you? The bills got piled up? His imagination was running wild.

You just glared at him and went back to cursing and Zoro made a gesture like 'i don't know what is going on here'

"Hey, tell us what's going on. We'll find a solution to it if we can." Ace said as he sat next to you.

"You can't solve it. Even my parents can't solve it." you said groaning. Zoro took the envelope from your hands and began reading it. You glanced at him, "I didn't know you could read."

Well that resulted in getting you a bump in your head.

"Oh that's the problem," Zoro said as he folded the paper back.

"What is it?" Ace asked.

"So you know about the cooking show that y/n has been talking about all week?" Zoro asked Ace.

"Yeah. Cooking devils or something right." Ace asked as if he said it correct

"No. That show got taken down because it turned into cringe and the participants made a fuss when the judges actually did their jobs." Zoro replied.

"Oh really? I watched few episodes and it was pretty good." Ace replied.

"It was good at first, then it turned into worse." Zoro commented.

"Aww man. Wait we are diverting from the main topic." Ace said in realization. 

"Oh yeah. So what were we talking about?" Zoro asked clueless. 

"You were talking about the cooking show I entered, idiots." you replied in a tired voice.

"Oh right." Zoro and Ace replied in realization 

"It's name is 'The quest of cooking'." You said in a low voice.

"Right. What about it Zoro?" Ace asked, turning to Zoro.

"As I was saying, the show will accept her, but there is a problem." Zoro said in a serious tone. He put a sunglass which came from no where and a coat. He placed one of his hand covering his mouth, as through he was going to announce something that will shake the whole world.

"What's it?" Ace asked attentively. He was eager to hear what it was.

"It's only for men" Zoro pointed at the writing in envelope. You began cursing the organisers even more that Zoro had to  cover his ears. 

"So?" Ace asked.

"SO? I AM A WOMAN, IN CASE YOU DIDN'T NOTICE, YOU BAAKA." You said hitting his shoulder hard. 

"Thank god I didn't ask that earlier," Zoro thought.

"Oh sorry," Ace said as he rubbed his head.

"I have an idea Y/n" Zoro said in a serious tone.

You and Ace stopped bickering and turned to him. 

"What if you just disguise as one?"

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