Start Camera Action!

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"Alright guys, the shoot is about to begin" the assistant director spoke up. You all nodded and went with respective partners. 

"Camera rolling" The directed spoke "ACTION"

"Good evening everyone! It's me, your favourite host, Nami and with me is Ussop!"


"So, it's the first official day of the program, aren't you excited?" Ussop chimed. To which Nami nodded.

"Certainly. So, let's invite the participants one by one. First up is Antonio, and Itachi!" 

A big applause was heard as the raven haired and the blonde entered the stage. Itachi was maintaining a straight face as he walked to his table, with Antonio waved slightly.

"Next up is, Soma and Kazuma!" Ussop spoke.

Two men with a grin on their faces came forward. The red haired, Soma and Brown haired, Kazuma looked confident, which is understandable with their cooking skills.

"Next, I call Ryuuchi and Inuzuka!"

They both came forward with a pleasant smile on their faces. You cheered for them both as they took their places, having a warm look on their faces.

"Now up is Rei and Kazuki!"

The duo came forward. Kazuki was smiling broadly, showing a thumbs up with a wink to the camera, bursting with energy. Rei, on the other hand, looks like he just want to go home.

"Last but not the least, I invite Sanji and Nathan!"

Sanji walked forward first, a half lit cigratte on his lips and a small smile. His hands were in pocket as he walked. You walked right behind, with a toothy grin. You gave out a small flying kiss to the camera.

"Fantastic! Now let's welcome our dear judges. First up is Charlotte Pudding" Ussop chimed

Pudding walked up and smiled to the camera warmly.

"Next up is Hachi"

Hachi walked in and gave out an awkward smile.

"And lastly, Chef Zeff!"

Chef Zeff came in with not so pleasant expression and stood in middle.

"Listen up little eggplants. Starting today, you all are chefs here, so better keep up the dignity of a chef. I want no person doing any cheating in the cooking and stuff." he spoke in a voice that sent shivers down your spines.

You all nodded in response. He spoke a bit more, regarding his rules in the kitchen. 

Timeskip, brought you by Sanji's nosebleed

Timeskip, brought you by Sanji's nosebleed

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"Phew. I'm tired already" You spoke, removing your apron. 

"It was an exhausting day right, Nathan san?" Ryuuchi spoke. 

"I KNOW RIGHT!" Kazuki said as he plopped flat on the couch, earning a small chuckle from Rei. Sanji has already left to get ready for his date with Vivi and Inuzuka literally ran out to pick his kid up.

"Don't you want to pick your daughter Rei?" You asked. Rei nodded in response, "Yeah. A friend of ours is taking care of her currently. She'll be fine."

Soma and Kazuma also took their leave and god knows where  Antonio and Itachi go. Those two are a team of mystery. 

Marco left for a hospital emergency. So that also meant no ride home.

Rei and Kazuki offered a ride home, but I declined it since I wanted to drop by some places along my way home. I accompanied Ryuuchi since I was itching to meeting his little ball of cuteness, aka his younger brother Kotaru. 

"So Ryuuchi, it's just you and your younger brother?"

"Mhm. Our parents died 2 years ago."

Your eyes widened and internally cursed, "I am really sorry. I never meant to. Shit."

"It's not an issue. Really. Now we have people taking care of us. So we are ok."

My eyes were of pity. Sure I never had a good relationship with my family, but in the end, I would be the one crying the loudest if I lost them.

For few minutes, I and Ryuuchi walked in silence, the only sound heard was of the cars passing and our footsteps. 

"This is the daycare, Nathan san" Ryuuchi spoke as he came to a halt. I looked up to see a school. It seemed like the school provided daycare for the teachers' little kids and the younger siblings of students studying there.

I walked inside, along with Ryuuchi. It was almost 5 and only a few students remained. A few students were playing baseball while some students were at the library, trying to study.

A wave of nostalgia washed over me.  Your own school life was remembered. You weren't a excellent student or anything, but loved by everyone because of your easy-going personality.

The scent of books was something else.

Ah those good days

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