Chapter 34: Bubbles

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"



The ache in my hands and feet started to worsen after coming back to the cabins. As if my muscle tissues started realizing the amount of food I need not to cook but still cooked. We got back after 9:00 and we were cooking for about an hour. If cooking wasn't on my side interest then I would've walked out five minutes before the oil started frothing.

Annoyingly, Noah was so slow. He moved like a snail. I've already seasoned the meat and he was still cutting onions. Annoyingly, Noah couldn't cook. He burnt the last piece of shrimp that I've put my heart on skinning. Annoyingly, Noah couldn't suggest anything better, other than suggesting on being his boyfriend. 

The big question is: Why on Earth would I do that!?

"Are you there, Helio?" Rijo mumbled across the door. He knocked a fews times which caught my attention.

I just realized I subconsciously locked the doors. I was laying down my bed and quickly stood up to open it. The first thing my eyes went for is his eyes. Well, of course, what would it be? 

"Why would you lock the door?" He greeted me with a smile before letting himself in.

"M-maybe a thief would go in, I don't know...The chances are low but never zero," I said. What a silly reason to say. 

"O-kay, that's good." His hands were full with two bottles. He came close and handed one to me. "Almond milk, thought you might like it."

"Oh, thanks." Although I already brushed my teeth I accepted it. Though, I wasn't forced to drink it I still did, even just a drop.

"By the way, the food's good." I nodded to his comment. I sensed silence coming in, but he continued to talk about it.

"I-I like it also," I spewed. The feeling of embarrassment after realizing what I said. Also? Of course, I like it, I made it, you silly self.

Rijo chuckled. "Then it'll be my favorite dish from now on."

I smiled seamlessly but when I realized it, I tried biting my lips. "Oh...what about the food that your mom or dad cooks? Huh?"

"Oh, ah, then you'll be my second favorite..."

I continuously tried to contain the corners of my lips from rising. "I doubt second, there's too much food better than what I cook, though."

"I can be subjective, can't I? What if I say like the food cooked by the people I like."

The moment he said the last phrase, my heart skipped a beat as if I'll die from an heart arrest. I blinked twice and pierced a small hole in my mouth. I quickly broke the eye contact and tried to clarify, "Yeah, of course, you like your parents...and your auntie, too, 'cause she cooks for you, I guess. Your grandparents, right, you like them too. Does Ethan cook? You like him too, right? And-and maybe me since I'm your friend. Thank you for shrimp."

"Yeah." He scratched the back of his head. 

I nodded and pulled my blanket to cover myself. From sitting on the bed, I lied down. Not a minute after, I stood up sitting again on the bed. Rijo looked at me with a simple puzzlement on his face. 

"I have a question...what did I do when I was drunk?" I suddenly remembered...I remembered the part that I did drink but not the part after. It grew curiosity in me and I couldn't help but to feel anxious since I can't recall a drop that I did.

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