Chapter 3

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"Come on fucker Let's dance"
Mi said gripping the textbook tightly in her hands the bully infuriated rose from the ground and glared intensely at Mi Meanwhile, his girlfriend watched the unfolding scene with a mixture of surprise

And concern etched across her face

"You fucking bitch, I'm going to kill you!"spewed the bully clenching his fist in anger with great force he attempted to land a punch on Mi but she swiftly retaliated smacking her textbook to the side of the bullys face the bully stumbled backwards weakened by the impact taking advantage of

the situation Mi swiftly bent down and jerked the bottom of his pants forward causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground seizing the moment she delivered a powerful kick to his face causing one of his teeth to fall to the ground

Enraged by the violence unfolding before her eyes the bully's girlfriend leapt from her seat and attempted to strike Mi but Mi and managed to evade her blows by stepping back thinking quickly as she noticed an unattended soda on a nearby students desk she grabbed it and swiftly poured it onto the floor creating a slippery obstacle between herself and the girl

As the girl lunged toward her, she lost her footing and slipped on the wet floor, temporarily disoriented taking advantage of the girl's vulnerable position, Mi swiftly picked up a nearby chair and began striking her relentlessly, each blow filled with the strength of her pent-up frustration

"Please stop"

the girl pleaded as she sat on the ground with a bleeding head, her
pleas falling on deaf ears. Mi seemed indifferent to the girl's pain and continued to
mercilessly strike her, the force of each blow becoming more intense. Blood began to stain the floor, but Mi was not satisfied, still determined to

inflict more harm. However, just as Mi prepared to strike again, someone intervened and delivered a swift kick to Mi's side, causing her to release her grip on the chair.

"That's enough you psycho"

Hyunjin said Mi turned her gaze towards the person who had dared to intervene, an intense glare in her eyes. To Mi's surprise, she recognized the person
as Hyunjin, the one who had been conversing
with Haruto earlier that day.

Without hesitation, Mi grabbed a handful of papers from a nearby student's desk and hurled them at Hyunjin. The papers scattered in the air, creating a momentary distraction that allowed Mi to land a punch squarely on
Hyunjin's face. Reacting quickly, Hyunjin seized Mi's hands, preventing her from launching another attack. With a firm grip, Hyunjin spoke with a authoritative tone, trying to reason with Mi.

"Listen here, I don't believe in fighting girls
but You've taken things way too far just
stop."Hyunjin said

Mi then calmed down and the girl that Mi had beat was on the ground holding her bleeding head, while her boyfriend still lay unconscious on the ground. Mi then instinctively slapped Hyunjun's hand away, feeling a surge of anger and frustration.
Just as the chaos unfolded, the teacher walked into the classroom, witnessing the
scene in disbelief. The teacher, immediately instructed Mi to go to the office

Mi reluctantly followed the teacher's command, As she made her way to the office, Mi
was handed a small slip that had "1 Month Extended" written on it. Confusion and
frustration filled her mind

"What the hell does this even mean?"Mi thought

The atmosphere shifted as lunchtime arrived,and Mi found herself sitting alone at a bench outside the cafeteria. She opened her lunchbox and carefully examined the
contents of her meal. Today's lunch consisted of two small potatoes, a side of salad, and a small slice of bread accompanied by a little

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