Like a bomb...ticking towards the end?

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"Keum, you cancelled the dance lesson for today?" it'd been 8 days since the Jeongin & balm incident and now Keum sent me a message that today I wouldn't have my lesson.

"Yeah - I have to do my routine too...with my members. EPEX, remember? We have to attend an interview then I have to practise for the upcoming show. Then my mom asked me to come for a kitty party she's keeping........."

Everything else became muffled for Kyra. The word mom made her remember her mother, how her mother looked, how her mother smiled, how her mother talked. Everything. Keum has a mother. Jeff has a mother. Chan, Minho, Changbin and the other stray kids have mothers. Only she doesn't.

"I will call you back" she said and cut the call. This never happened before - previously many people mentioned the word but this hasn't affected her to this extent. Her vision was getting blurry due to tears. She didn't realise Jeongin had walked into her room. He was quietly watching her from the back. She kneeled down and started sobbing Jeongin's heart broke into a million pieces. He walked to her and held her close to his body by back hugging her. He felt her body tremble for a long time until it went all still.

"Kyra?" he called out. "Tell me" she said in a weak voice. "Whatever it is, I and the other 7 are with you. You know that right?"

"Yeah...c-can I go out for a few hours..." she said. With an intention of never returning. She was just too sad to be rational at that moment. "Sure" he said opened the door for her.

"Be back for dinner, I will be with Felix hyung, he is coming here after his practise." Jeongin said. And then he closed the door. She looked at the stairs and wondered whether she should really run away. Jeongin seemed to care about her. The others were sweet too - wouldn't it be injustice?

She was about to turn to go to Jeongin but her leg slipped and she fell off the stairs instead. Her head hit the floor hard and she fell unconscious. Felix, who was just about to climb the stairs noticed her tumbling down.

"Hey hey hey!" he exclaimed and ran to her. She was lying her face down. He turned her body and noticed the deep gash on her forehead. He lifted her and placed her on the backseat of the car. He drove her to the hospital and called Jeongin on the way -

"Ah hyung, where are you?"

"Kyra fell down the stairs and is unconscious. I am driving her to XXXXXX hospital. You were at home - weren't you? Don't you-hello? HELLO?" Felix shouted on the phone. Jeongin had hung up.

The hospital loomed ahead like a beacon of hope in the darkness, its lights casting a warm glow against the night sky. With each passing second, Felix's heart hammered against his chest, the weight of the moment pressing down upon him like a leaden cloak.

As he pulled into the emergency bay, Felix leapt out of the car, his footsteps echoing against the cold pavement. He flung open the door to the backseat, his hands trembling as he gently lifted Kyra into his arms once more.

The hospital staff sprang into action as soon as Felix burst through the doors, their voices a blur of urgency and concern. Nurses and doctors swarmed around him, their hands deft and sure as they whisked Kyra away to receive medical attention.

Alone in the sterile hallway, Felix sank to the ground, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Tears blurred his vision as he prayed for Kyra's safety, his heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty. Jeongin walked in after minutes and Felix ran to hold him by his collar - "You pabo! You had to keep her safe! You had one job and you fucked it up."

Jeongin tried arguing - "Hyung, she said she wanted time alone!"

"She is monophobic you dumbass. If she says that it means she is terribly upset enough to go. You shouldn't have let her go" Felix said, sinking to his knees and sobbing hard. The hospital staff came and shushed the duo - "This is a hospital!"

As the minutes stretched into eternity, the door to the hallway swung open, admitting Chan and the rest of their friends. Their faces were etched with concern, their footsteps echoing against the linoleum floor.

"Felix? Jeongin?" Chan's voice cut through the silence like a knife, filled with worry and uncertainty. He rushed forward, his eyes widening at the sight of his friends' tear-streaked faces.

Felix looked up, his gaze meeting Chan's with a mixture of pain and anguish. "Chan," he choked out, his voice raw with emotion. "It's Kyra. She's... she's in bad shape."

Chan's heart clenched at the mention of Kyra's name, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty. He knelt beside Felix, his hand resting on his friend's shoulder in a gesture of comfort and support.

Jeongin saw Keum walk in too. Keum went to the nurse who walked out and asked - "Is Kyra fine?"

"Who are you for her?" the nurse asked.

"I am her best friend. Please tell me"

"She has fractured limbs. We are still examining her for internal injuries."

"By the way nurse, she also has a heart condition - is this fall fatal?"

"Heart condition?"

"Coronary heart disease. It was diagonised by Dr. Young woo. She works here-"

"Ah Woo Young Woo...I will have a talk with her. I will inform the doctor" the nurse went back. Immediately after the nurse closed the door Chan ran to Keum - "CHD? Dr.Young woo? Why didn't you say this to us earlier if you knew?"

"She didn't want me to tell you guys. She felt it would hurt you all."

"But as a friend you should have told us." Jeongin said, standing up. "We also had the right to know."

"Well it is a right when you guys have a legal authority over her? Is she legally your sister? No. Is she legally your Then why should I tell you when she herself didn't want to." keum stated. Jisung sighed just as jeongin started to sink back down.

"Don't tell me that she was going to die."

"She was. Slowly - cuz she had to get her heart transplanted but doesn't have the money. If it gets too late then her body will be unfit for getting a heart donor." Keum said.

"Good news - it is NOT too late yet. I am dr.Woo Young Woo." Dr.Woo Young Woo entered the hallway and said to Keum. "By the way - big fan of EPEX here. I am a STAY too."

"Doesn't matter doc, what did you say earlier?" Chan asked.

"It is not too late. If the money is ready on time we can get her signature and get the procedure started." the doctor said.


(hours later)

A soft murmur broke the stillness of the hospital room, stirring the sleeping figures beside her. Kyra blinked her eyes open, her vision hazy with sleep and confusion. As she glanced around the room, memories of the accident flooded back, sending a shiver down her spine.

Beside her, Felix stirred from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open with a mixture of relief and exhaustion. "Kyra," he breathed, his voice tinged with emotion. "You're awake."

Kyra's heart swelled at the sight of him, her fear melting away in the warmth of his gaze. "Felix," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "What happened?"

Felix reached out, his hand finding hers in the dim light of the hospital room. "You fell down the stairs," he said softly, his voice trembling with emotion.

A shiver ran down Kyra's spine as she recalled the events leading up to the accident. "I remember," she murmured, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I remember falling, and then... nothing."

Beside them, Jeongin stirred from his sleep, his eyes blinking open with confusion. As he caught sight of Kyra, a smile spread across his face, relief flooding his features.

"You had us all worried sick, Kyra," he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "But you're safe now. That's all that matters. Don't ever do this to me again. What will I possibly do if you are gone?"

Jeongin then kissed her on her lips. It took a few seconds for her but she eventually deepened the kiss. And the witness to the kiss? Lee Felix Yongbok, who was enjoying every moment of the kiss by just watching it. He was happy for them.

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