⁶⁶⁶ ῳɧąɬ ɬơ ƙŋơῳ

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Alright, this ones gonna be more informational on what to know and to write down if you wanna start researching. Also, I apologize for getting this chapter out on the latest second, I've been quite busy.

⚠ - DISCLAIMER ; I, in no way am I a 'professional' researcher,  I simply want everyone to know what you should learn. 


ཞɛƖąɬɛɖ ɬơ ƈཞ℘'ʂ ;


- What they look like!!! And no, they are NOT uwu soft bois. look at what the creator drew them as, or what the creator deemed to be the most 'canon-looking' art of them is.

- What the more related-to-them symptoms are, for example, if you think Slenderman is stalking you, look at the symptoms of Slender-sickness.

(I'll be doing a chapter related to that one soon)

- What the fandom has thought they sound like. Please for the love of god, DO THIS.

- Learn what other researchers have experienced!!! From a specific crp, or just the crp's in general. ESPECIALLY, if you are trying to summon a crp.


ųŋཞɛƖąɬɛɖ ɬơ ƈཞ℘'ʂ ;

- LEARN HOW TO LUCID DREAM. OH MY GOD. This will help you, SO MUCH, if you wanna summon a creepypasta through your dreams, whatever.

-  Learn how to use a map / compass. I figured out that it's a lot more complicated than I thought it was. Which makes it all the more useful, especially if your phone is dead and you're lost or something. 

- Learn how to navigate through a forest, look, it might still be useful if you live near one. It may be basically impossible that you'll pull a creepypasta fanfic and be summoned into the forest or something, but there is REAL. LIFE. situations where you might need that. If you or your family goes camping a lot, if you hike / backpack, explore in forests or woodsy areas, hell, even if you like to forage, there's a chance you may get lost.

- How to RESEARCH. I would recommend trying to back up every. single. source, there's quite a lot of misinformation surrounding the creepypasta research / summoner community.  Learn how to filter that out, and backup your sources. (I recommend using websites like the wayback machine. Or, if some crp researcher says that "*Insert areas police office* said that *insert random creepypasta character* is stalking everyone!!! 🤯" check the public police office records!)

- Learn how to defend yourself. Look, there's a lot more situations then a crp lashing out at you for some reason, that you may need to know how to defend yourself. Learn how to hold a knife, the correct form for punching, how to kick, whatever. Maybe you already know that, great! Learn the best places to hide in your home aswell. This.. one definitely might be used for more than crp run-ins, sadly. 

 - I would also recommend dabbling into spirituality! This one is just a suggestion, but I would recommend just lighting a white or black candle with the intent to protect yourself from any spiritual harm! As dumb as that may sound, that's definitely helped me from a good bit of paranoia from when I used to experience it badly.  (My laptop literally just closed out from every single tab mid-writing, wtf, thank god I saved my writing 😭) Anyway, try to dabble into that.


I'll probably update this chapter later on, when my mind isn't this blank, but for now, that's all I have! I'm so sorry for this chapter being so late, I've been busy with a lot of stuff and didn't have much time to research, as to why you guys didn't get a more research focused chapter today. 

- Iris signing off!

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