17. sad 😔 😥

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Tae go to couch and site jungkook is there as well , he put his head on his lap

Whenever jungkook lay his head on tae's lap mean he is asking for a massage but

Tae didn't do anything not even cressed his hairs like he always do

Jungkook find it bit unusual because he is behaving cold today

Jk: taetae

Tae: umm

Jk: what happened are you angry with kids

Tae nodded as no

Jk: than why are behaving like this

Tae: nothing I am just not feeling well

Jk: why , periods or abb are pregnant again

Tae: no (coldly)

With that tae get up form couch and left for his room, tae's room not their bedroom

For jungkook their bedroom is just like brothel in night where he have s*x and left

Jk: if he is pregnant again then I have to think my baby's name

Author: you think only two things happen in his body periods and pregnancy

Jk: who are you (shock)

Author get disappeared by her magical words *sa ka la boom*

In tae's room

Tae is searching for something in internet , his eyes are numb and face is pale

It's look like he is holding tears in his eyes,

Tae in mind: so these is my worth in this mansion, they just see me as a maid, care taker and of course s*x slave

Tae: are there no jobs for designers nowadays, I was topper in my batch , I will get hired soon

Well getting a job is not easy for him as he is already married to jeon jungkook

People will not easily hire him in their company and it's quite rare

For a rich person like jeon taehyung asking for job form other companies

Tae pov

Is this is my life taking care of family members even if they misbehave

Doing all house works and at last get insulted by them

These Luxurious lifestyle can hide my tears form others but can not stop them flowing form my eyes

I went to balcony of my room to meet my only friend it's moon

I am standing there in balcony alone cold breeze wind touched me

I look at the room and smiled

Everyone admires the moon but no one see the scares on him

Late Update right sorry

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