1. The boy next door

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I woke up to a load noise from downstairs. My room is upstairs.

«Omg... What now?! I'm trying to sleep!»

I groaned like a kid and craweled out of my warm bed.

«I hate when someone disturbs my sleep. I love to sleep!»

I walked down while my eyes could barely stay awake.

«Yaaaaa!! Who can't be silent when I'm having my beauty sleep?!»

I saw no one around. I walked to the kitchen and the living room but no ones there. Then I thought of my big brother, Yoongi.

«It has to be Yoongi!»

I walked to his bedroom and was not aurprised when I saw his door was left open. I opened it completely and walked inside. It was dark and my eyes could barely see because of my tiredness.

The time was 6'o clock and I don't need to wake up before 9'o clock. I turned on the lights and saw Yoongi on the floor with his hands covered in blood.

«Yaaahhh!! Oppa! How did you hurt your hand?!»

I said as I ran to him. I looked at him with a worried face. He looked at me with red teary eyes. A tear dropped from his eyes. I wiped it with my thumb.

He looked deep into my eyes. I started patting his back. He couldn't hold it back anymore, and burst into tears. I dragged him into a hug. He hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulder, making it wet.

«It's ok. It's ok oppa. Tell me what's wrong.»

«I tried to clean my window and then suddenly I bumped into a chair, and fell over it and crashed into the window.
While my hand touched my glass bowl and it hit the floor and broke, and then the pieces of glass bounced and hit my hand. I'm so stupid, I can't do a thing before destroying everything!»

I stopped hugging him and looked at him with an angry face.

«Omg Yoongi! You are so clumsy. I thought it was something serious!»

«What do you mean?! This is serious! My hand is bleeding! We have to go to the hospital!!»
He said, looking angry and disappointed at me.

I screamed.
«You will not die from it, relax. You don't need to go to the hospital. Wait here while I get the first aid kit.»

I walked away from his room and went to the bathroom. While I was looking for the first aid kit, I heard a knock on the window. I turned to the side and there stood Jimin and smiled at me.

I walked closer to the window and stared at him. He is Yoongi's best friend and our neightboor.

He knocked again and I jumped. I came back to my sense and opened the window a little.

«Hey Y/N.»
He said with his warm and calming voice. His voice always giving me chills.

«Why are you shaking? Are you cold?»
He asked worriedly.

«N-no It's nothing!»
I said fast while looking down.

He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up to look into his eyes. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine.

He has such beautiful eyes and I dream away when I look into them. His eyes takes all my worries away.
He started laughing.

«What do you dream about, cherry?»

He has a nickname for me which is cherry. He gave me that nickname when we were young and we all three played at the playground. He's teasing me with that nickname.

«Yoongi hurted his hand and It's bleeding now.»

«What how? Was he trying to cook now? You know that you should let him touch the knife.»

«Haha don't worry. I will never let him do that. He tried to clean his window and bumped into a chair and accidently touched his glass bow and pieces of glass touched his hand.»

«Who is trying to clean their window at 6am?!»
He said while laughing.

I smiled at him. His laugh always makes me happy.

He stopped and looked at me while I did the same. It was quiet but it wasn't awkward silence.

I broke the silence between us with saying:
«What are you doing here so early?»

«I heard a loud sound from your house and when I saw light at your bathroom, I took the change for asking what happened.»

«Sorry if we woke you up.»

«Don't worry. I'm always having trouble with sleeping and wakes up by all sounds.»

«Ok then.» I smiled at him
«Do you want to meet Yoongi?»

«Sure why not?»

«Come in then.»

He climbed through the window and then he stood in front of me. He was so tall but actually he's pretty small. But for me he's very tall.

«You are so small, do you know that?» I asked, teasing him. He looked at me with a surprising face.

«Come here. I'm gonna get you!!»

- Noooo!!!»

I screamed as I ran to Yoongi while laughing.
I hide behind Yoongi while Jimin was coming closer.

«What are you guys doing? You two are so childish.»

«No oppa! It's just you who is an old man!»

«What did you just said?!»
He said and turned around and looked at me.

«See you can't even here what I just said.»

«Come here you brat!»

He said and tried to catch me, but luckily I escaped before he could catch me.

I stood up and tried to get away from the room. But Jimin stood there and blocked the door.

«You can't run away from us, little cherry.»

«You two are slow old men.»

I walked up to him and bent down and ran between his legs. I open the door and ran to my room.
I tried to close the door but Jimin stopped me. He is stronger than me and opened the door while I was trying to close it. Jimin locked the door when he came inside.

He quickly dragged me to the wall. I looked at him with a surprising face by his sudden reaction. He trapped me between his arms. He looked deep into my eyes and smirked.

«You can't escape from me, cutie pie.»

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