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The strange creature releases a powerful roar, stretching its long limbs out of the cocoon. With each step it takes, the ground shook. Its single presence caused a massive chaos. All sense of protocol and discipline were lost in the wake of the creatures. Now, they are filled with fear and terror as all the workers and scientists scrambled for the exits to escape.

The lights around the creature were flickering and the powers began to mess around. The creature's two massive hooked arms rose into the sky until they found their way to the first set of cables overhead and began slowly dragging them down into the pit. The sounds of creaking and groaning cables filled the air as the towers and braces attached to the cables began to snap and fail all over. The cables themselves also began to snap on occasion, leading to disastrous results in the immediate area. Massive cranes holding the cables up began to fall down from the pressure.

Knowing the disaster that will come, Dark turns towards her team. "Okay, change of plan, save anyone you can!"

They agree and Dark uses her magic to remove their disguises, and they rush off to save as many workers as they can. Dark saw the pieces of metal of the crane to fall and saw workers were running in that direction, and that they would be killed. Dark uses her magic to create a barrier that prevents the crane debris from falling down on them. This shocked the workers when they stopped and watched to see the debris being bounced off before looking towards Dark, still using her magic.

"Tomaranaide! Tsudzukete!" Dark yelled in Japanese. Don't stop! Keep running!

Understanding the situation, they all made a run for it, heading to the safety of the exit. Just then, Dark spotted a couple of men inside the crane's cabins. Dark yelled and extended her free arm to stop the cranes from falling in the pit, but they were struggling, due to the creature's strength being overwhelming.

"Guys! Save the men inside the cranes!" Dark yells out, struggling to keep hold.

Spider-Man swings over. "You got it, Dark!"

White Tiger and Iron Fist ran up the nearby cranes, jumping up to the cabin, breaking the windows and freeing the workers, before taking them to safety. Spider-Man swung at the last crane that was about to fall off the edge, and broke the glass, saving the man trapped inside before swinging them both to safety. Spider-Man brings the man to safety and checks on him.

"Are you okay?" He asked in concern.

The man nodded his head, "Hai! Arigatou gozaimasu!" The worker thanked and bowed his head in respect for the man that saved him.

Suddenly, the creature lets out another roar, causing Spider-Man to yell at the worker to run as they both try to make it to safety along with the others. Dark saw this situation and raised her free arm at the running figures of her team and the workers.

"Lacunae magicae!"

Soon, they all disappeared into thin air, as the debris fell on where they were running. Dark sighs in relief but is cut off when the creature lifts one of its limbs and hits the ground, sending a small shockwave. Dark almost lost her footing and debris was about to hit her until...

"Watch out!"

A man comes out of nowhere and pushes Dark out of the way, saving her before she could get crushed. The two rolled away and looked up to see the fallen debris. Dark turned to the man, who looked at her with wide eyes.

 Dark turned to the man, who looked at her with wide eyes

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