499 11 16

"Talk" Yautja Language

(Talk) Other languages

"Talk" Telepathic communication/thoughts

-Talk- Communication/A.I. Units


When chaos was happening in the city, the people in the train were beginning to worry about why the power was still out. Marco, on the other hand, wasn't fazed. For he and his team knew the outcome. He could tell that the MUTO was coming, and something bigger was chasing it. When the power came back, the first thing the people in the train let out were screams of terror at the sight of the MUTO from a distance, roaring loudly. Akio became scared at the sight while Ford stared at the MUTO pure horror. It came all the way to Hawaii!

Before he could do anything, Marco got up and yelled at the passengers.


Hearing this, they quickly head to the back of the train. The MUTO was getting close due to the jets coming close and attacking it. Marco picks up Akio and leads Ford to the back with the screaming passengers. They passed one of the clones of Stefano, and Marco gave a single nod, which he returned. The clone took out a device and stuck it to the wall before leaving. It made some clicking sounds before to create an energy wave that caused the train to stop, preventing it from reaching the MUTO.

When the train stopped, it allowed the clones to activate their sonic gauntlets. They used the gauntlets' power to break the doors of the train coach and activate inflatable slides.

"Everyone! Quickly! Slide down!" Marco ordered.

Obeying his instruction, the people quickly slid down, one by one. Those with children go first, and women who are pregnant need extra help. As the people got down to safety, Marco saw the MUTO was getting dangerously close due to the fighter jets. They won't get the people out of here in time. So, he used the second option.

"Destiny, help us escape." Marco ordered a telepathic message.

Soon, a shadowy portal opened, scaring the people who had yet to escape. This startled the passengers, wondering what things were.

"Go in! It will lead you out!" Marco said with a clinging Akio in his arms.

The people were hesitant, but soon followed when Giovanna's clones got inside one the shadow portal as demonstration. The people quickly understood it was a ticket out of here and ran inside the shadow portals while the rest slid down. As all the passengers escape, Marco quickly grabs Ford's arm and both of them, and Akio slides down, earning yells/screams from Ford and Akio. When they made it to the ground with some people helping them, they all made a run for it just in time before the MUTO came and destroyed the train. Fortunately, everyone escaped and are being taken to a makeshift refugee camp on the farthest side of the island.

"Keep running! Don't look back!" Marco yelled through the screaming crowd while Akio clings to him with all his might and Ford running alongside them.

As they ran, Akio watched with wide eyes at the sight of the MUTO destroying the train.


Dark and her team were helping all the soldiers back to the new chopper. They need to find the MUTO as soon as possible and especially the new titan that came into view. Dark, Spider-Man, White Tiger, and Iron Fist got into a different chopper and headed to the airport. The runway was blazed. Many people were running for their lives. They could see Stefano and Giovanna's clones saving as many people as they could. Taking them to safety and far from the fire. Many took refuge in the building while some were being escorted out of the danger. The group saw a battle taking place. And to their shock, the MUTO was there, and was not alone.

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