Little Wolf

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My name is Hayley Marshall and I am a Werewolf

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My name is Hayley Marshall and I am a Werewolf. My entire life I was led to believe that I was abandoned and put into Foster Care because I was unwanted and up until my thirteenth birthday I believed that story, but when I turned thirteen I broke my curse learning that I was a Werewolf but after that truth my adoptive parents kicked me out onto the streets abandoning me as well.

For the next seven years I looked high and low for a place I could belong, a pack I could belong to, but it wasn't until I went to see an old friend in a town called Mystic Falls that I found what I was looking for in a hybrid named Jason Bennett, a man I held a fierce connection with which led to a night of intoxicating passion between us.

After our night together I left him behind to track down a rumor about my true pack in Louisiana but I soon learned that the rumors I was chasing were just a ploy for a coven of witches to get their hands on me and run test which resulted in me learning that I was pregnant with Jason Bennetts child.

Even though every instinct in my body told me Jason would never come for me, weeks later the father of our child arrived and saved me from the witches and took me to his home where he promised to look out for me and as I laid in his bed absorbing his scent a sense of safety I have never felt before filled me knowing that all of this was because of an Alpha hybrid named Jason Bennett.

Even though every instinct in my body told me Jason would never come for me, weeks later the father of our child arrived and saved me from the witches and took me to his home where he promised to look out for me and as I laid in his bed absorbing ...

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Plantation House

Hayley POV:

As the rays from the morning sun drifted through the blinds into Hayley's room the Little Wolf could be seen just waking from a much needed rest.

"Where am I?" I muttered to myself as I looked around the room noting how this wasn't where I had fallen asleep.

As I sat up in this bed continuing to look around the room suddenly I heard voices.

"Brother are you sure he would come here? You know Jason always hated this place." An uptight voice said as I removed the covers from atop me and climbed out of bed.

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