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"Is Master Gabriel okay now? I Heard he was out of it for a while."

John one of my colleagues ask . All the MIB inside the room looked at me worriedly.

We are all gathered in warehouse number 3 because we have a meeting regarding the blunders that happened for the past six months.

"You are the senior here Jared so we know you have an update."

I almost didn't last in this job, not because it was hard. Madam Ella almost killed me when she attempted to use the microwave almost 20 odd years ago. I swear at that moment I would have died by a exploding microwave or by the hand of Master James. Thank God madam Ella is not allowed inside all the kitchen.

Fun times.

"Guys!" I shouted.
All 111 of them looks at me.

"Master Gabriel is okay. Don't worry about him. He'll be back to his old self in one of these days."

All of them sigh in relief.

"Okay let's discuss what happened in the past few months so that we will not repeat all this mistakes again."

"How come you lost Mrs. Rosen -Hower inside the bakery?!" I ask the team in charge of our Queen's protection.

The MIB in charge scratch his head and replied sheepishly "The queen was literally in front of me and all the exits are covered by our men. We did not expect that she slips through the kitchen. We learned our lesson sir. Next time all available doors inside the facility will be covered by our men."

I nodded in satisfaction with his plan.
Good thing the queen did not went out of the bakery. She just got fascinated with the baking process of her favorite blueberry cheesecake.

"Okay next. Team two. With Madam Sunshine what happened?"

The in charge of team two cringe with the memory that happened 2 months ago.
"So Empress was really behave. She do her business as usual. Helping people left and right. She even offered one old man to stay in the estate to become her "grandfather" but the old man decline. It's not really a big problem sir but you know. Ma'am Sunshine is a hugger so when she went out of the car she literally arm wrestle us for a hug to thank us for accompanying her for the whole day. That's the time Master Greyson unfortunately arrives."

The rest of the MIB in the room winced.

Thankfully Master Greyson already accepted his fate that his wife will hug everyone and he can not do anything about it. Our task now is to filter all the people she can hug.

Master James can't still tolerate the Queen hugging anyone.

"Team 3? Any report about Master Parker?"

"Not really. He just went out with someone that we can't really reveal. Sorry."

I smile in delight. Our Master Parker is the most unproblematic member of the family. I pray that he met the one. It's time.

"Team 4 for Ma'am Ameera?"

"If you consider  her almost beating up her potential suitors which I may say frequently then nothing to report. She's still our sassy madam."

The young lady of our house is really sassy and fierce. I am so hapoy she grew up that way.

"Team 5?"

"Master Jamison had a misunderstanding with one of a civillian but it was all sorted out."

"What misunderstanding?"I ask curiously.

"The civillian thought Master Jamison stole something from the civillian's possession. Fortunately Master Jamison proved his innocence...."

The in charge stops talking for a while. Shit. I have a bad feeling about this.

"By?" All of us are waiting for his next sentence.

"He offered to remove all his clothes." He finishes.

Fuck shit.

"In private I hope?" I ask

The MIB shakes his head and say " in Public sir."

All the MIB in the room winced.

"He did not do it because the civillian stops him. He's halfway through removing his shirt though."

"Please Team 5. I am begging you. Stop Master Jamison fron his nudist tendencies please. I don't want Men's health or people's knocking on our door to feature him. Master James will be pissed and Master Blake will be jealous and would want to be featured as well."

Team 5 leader nodded sincerely.

I look at the side of the conference room  where Team 6 was sitting. They are in charge of Master Gabriel protection.

He literally brought out a big freaking log book.

"What month do you want me to start?" He seriously ask while scanning all the pages of his log book.

"Beggining of the year."

"Nothing realy major that happened. He almost got arrested because he forgot again to pay the chocolate and snacks he got in the convenience store. That is sorted out because we bought the whole stores product."

"Oh. We made a small repair in his lab 3 months ago. Failed bomb test. What else?"

Small repair? Try the whole floor of that building. Master James just laugh when he heard about it and just said "only one floor?".

"He was finally arrested the other month but it was just overnight stay. He just play uno with the police in there and made a new friend. All the police are delighted to see him. He promised to come back in a few weeks."

I swear Master Gabriel treat prison as his AirBNB or hotel.

"Regarding to Ma'am Allyna she is fully protected including her grandma. I am sure they are due to meet tomorrow once Master Gabriel finish his rush work. The pill bomb was successful all thanks to Ma'am Allyna's colleague. Patrick I think is his name."

That scum is still alive unfortunately.

"Finally, Master Gabriel has a plan of bringing Ma'am Allyna on a date again. We are trying to study the route and coordinates so that the date will be smooth sailing. That's the end of my repo-"

Before he can even finish his sentence his phone rang.

"Hello? Yes? What?! Fine. 5 minutes."

I raised my eyebrow to inquire what happened.

"Uhmm Master Gabriel accidentally blow off a part of Ma'am Allyna's Apartment."

"WHAT?!!!" All of us in the room shouted.

Since the Queen did not kill me master Gabriel might.

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