Girlfriend? Part 2

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Grace pov

It was 12:00pm and I ran through the door into my room waking up mia OOPS
"Hey what's with the noise I'm trying to sleep" said mia in her morning voice
"Sorry just sowing thing happened and I need to get ready for it! Said grace looking for stuff to wear to her date with Tyler
"What do you need to get ready for , your all ready ,dressed and you have make up on your ready aren't you? Said Mia really confused
"Well when I. Was getting my coffee Tyler comes and jumps on my back ......." grace told mia what had happened at the breakfast place
" OMG REALLY he asked you out OMG " TYLER AND GRACE SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G FIRST COMES LOVE THEN COMES MARRIAGE THEN COMES A BABY IN A GOLDEN CARRIAGE " said Mia skipping around the room and around grace sing as loud as her voice can go
"OK just Shut Up and help me choose something nice to wear

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