Holiday Air-Fresheners.

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Chapter 2:

(Estiel's Perspective/Real Time)

It was a dark night, the shadow of the moon reflecting everything in sight. I was walking to the nearest drug store; I had to find something to take away the stench of drugs and alcohol that polluted my house. I walked swiftly down the street keeping my head low. Careful not to attract too much attention at this late in the night.

I quickly slipped into the large doors of the drug store once it was within reach. I looked around searching for the can air-fresheners; I went down a few aisles before finding anything remotely close to what I wanted. They had a few car fresheners shaped like Christmas trees.I couldn't see any can ones though. Shrugging I got five and headed towards the cashier.

As I waited for the man in front of me to finish I sighed 'Might as well get a snack while I'm here already' I stepped out of the line for a second and grabbed a bag of chips and a Monster and got back into line.

"Hello, what may I help you with?" The cashier said when it was my turn.

I placed the air fresheners and the snacks down,"Uhm, Just this ..."I said awkwardly

The lady just smiled and rung up my things. She placed them in a bag and handed it to me."That'll be $14.26"

I placed down a ten and a five then grabbed my bag."Keep the change!" I said as I headed out the door. I laughed as I stepped out the door,She probably resents me now.

I walked down the corner towards the crosswalk pressing the buttons and waited.I put one of my earphones in and started humming to the low music as I waited for the sign to change.

I nearly jumped when I heard a deep voice on the left of me. I turned swiftly seeing a slightly thick man smoking a cigarette.Slipping off my earbuds and hanging them around my collar I looked over at him.

"What's a pretty young thing like you doing all alone?" He sneered looking me up and down.

"uh.." I said as I shifted uncomfortably and tugged on my hoody pulling it down more to cover just about mid-thigh of my leggings. I hated creeps like these .

"You're a shy one aren't you?" He said blowing a puff of smoke into my face.

Waving the smoke out of my face I laughed awkwardly and then turned to see if the sign had changed already.Luckly for me it had.

I turned back to the man "Oh look, I have to go now. Bye !" I said as I quickly walked the crosswalk.

"Hey! Wait not so fast sweetheart!" He said grabbing my elbow as he caught up with me.

"Let go of me you creep!" I yelled pulling my arm away and started to practically run across the crosswalk.The thick man started to chase after me but soon stopped when a car almost hit him.

Still I ran all the way towards my home shifting through the streets until I no longer felt like I was in any danger.My home wasn't really that far away ,just a few blocks away. I sighed in relief as I neared my street though .I was a pretty fast runner; I used to be second on my schools track team before I quit.

I slipped on my earphones again and began to sing along as I headed down my street.

I screamed suddenly when I unexpectedly felt someone's hand on my shoulder from behind. Maybe I wasn't as slick as I thought I had been.Maybe that fat creep caught up to me and I was about to get kidnapped .Either ways I quickly turned and lifted my leg ready to kick him and run but to my relief it was just Christopher.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack Christopher!" I said slapping his hand and putting my leg down. Thank you , no creepy guy.

Christopher laughed,"Oh Shush maybe if you payed attention you would have heard me calling you.When you ran right past my car."

I rolled my eyes, "I was a bit busy listening to music Chrissy.Can't I have a minute to myself before some guy try's to interrupt again?"

He looked at me with anger and a flash of concern in his eyes, "What happened now? Dammit Estiel! I've told you its too dangerous for someone as small as you to be out this time of night."

"It was just some creep; I am seventeen and can take care of myself! I'm not a child!"I said and began to storm away.

"Wait-Wait Essiy, I hadn't meant it that way!-" He said as he pulled me back to face him."It's just I wouldn't be able to live if something happened to you."

"I'm not your responsibility Christopher!"I argued.

"But you are my best friend and I Care."He said pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Just promise me next time you will phone me before going out so late alright? I will drive you okay ." He added after a few seconds.

I sighed "Okay I promise."

He smiled, "Now let's get you home."

He broke the silence after a few seconds, "I'm sorry about earlier I may have overreacted."

"May have?" She laughed "We both did."

"True."He Smiled.

We walked up the path toward my house and stopped at the door.I turned to him ,"So why were you out anyways?"

He laughed and slipped on his backpack,"Actually I was just grabbing my pack from the car and saw you running down the street.I thought I'd come say Hi, if you must ask."

"You're a dork."I laughed as I walked closer to the door.

Jesus, I could already smell the stench from out here.

He sighed probably already knowing what I was thinking.

"You know Ess you could always come back to my house, you're always welcomed there. Everybody misses you by the way." He said softly shifting his bag to the side.

"Maybe tomorrow, I have a home. I should be here at least once in a while."

He sighed,"Alright, and don't forget, be ready by seven."He said as he opened his arms to hug me.


I waved goodbye as I watched him go down the path. I watched as he was back to his house and out of sight. I opened the door, quietly stepping in.

Being quite I headed towards my room, stepping softly as I passed the living room where she would most likely be. Silently cheering myself when I made it across without being noticed.

Or so I thought, I turned the door knob to my room softly.

"Esstiel?" Her Voice rang through the hallway behind me.It raised the hair on my body every time she spoke.

I froze in place as I debated on just walking into the room or turning around.

Unfortunately I turned around.She stood there behind me with a open bottle in her hand.

"Estiel, where the f*ck have you been?" She screeched her eyes going ablaze.

"I-I went to get air fresheners."I said quickly as I held the bag that was in my hand up.

"Stupid Whore." She said as she slapped me across the face."Get out of my face!" She said as she pushed me against the door and walked away.

She hadn't always been this way. She used to be a good mother, she had actually cared but that was before my father left us. I would go on but that's a story for a different time.

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