Chapter Seven

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(Sorry for the late chapter)

The next day at school, Nova and Sebastian walk into the building, hand in hand. A crowd of nosy students crowd around them, bombarding them with questions and comments.

"Are you guys dating?"

"Thank god you realized your feelings for each other!"

"I was wondering when you'd get together!"
"I knew it!"
"How did you guys get together?"

"Did you kiss?"

Nova grips Sebastian's hand tighter, very uncomfortable with the situation.

The blondie notices his best friend's discomfort, and pulls her away, waving off questions about them as they go to an abandoned classroom to get away from the crowd.

Nova slumps against a wall, sliding down to the ground, burying her face in her hands, "I hate this so much."

Sebastian combs his hair back with one of his hands, "Well, it was kind of your idea."

Nova glares up at him, clearly not in the mood for his logical comment.

He raises his hands in surrender, "I didn't mean that it's your fault! I just mean that you should have probably expected this when we announced our relationship online."

Nova sighs, bringing her knees to her chest, "I suppose you're right. I still don't like how this feels though. Everybody is bombarding us with questions that I frankly do not want to answer, and keep saying how 'they knew it' and it fucking pisses me off!"

After her ramble, Nova grips her hair in her hands, seething.

Sebastian's eyes soften at this, and he backs up against the wall, sliding down to the ground next to his best friend. He places a hand on her shoulder in comfort, causing Nova to sigh.

She leans on him, and Sebastian changes his position to side-hug her. Nova rests her head on his shoulder, and he lays his head on hers.

A few relaxing moments later, a quiet commotion is heard outside the room that the best friends were in, and a couple seconds later, a girl's head peaks through the doorway, phone in hand.

The girl takes a quick picture of the two, before squealing and rushing out of the room.

Nova glares after her, extremely annoyed at her behavior.

Sebastian squeezes her shoulder in an attempt at comfort, but Nova just grumbles, "Maldita bastardas..." before scooching away from him, and standing up.

"We better get to class. We're going to be late." She says, holding her hand down to Sebastian.

The blondie takes her hand, hauling himself up to a standing position.

"Yeah, let's go."

Nova's walking down the hallway, now alone, when she bumps into someone.

She falls over, dropping her textbooks in the process, and the person she bumped into falls as well.

Nova sits up quickly, "I'm so sorry!" She stands up lending a hand down to the person.

The person, who was rubbing their head and looking down, glanced up, revealing their face.

It was Naomi.

Nova blushed as Naomi took her hand, hoisting herself off of the ground.

"It's fine." She says, before letting her gaze fall to Nova's dropped textbooks.

Naomi kneels on the ground, beginning to gather up Nova's books, "Let me help you." She says.

The redness in Nova's face increased, and she knelt down as well, "Thank you!" She says, a bit too enthusiastically for Nova's taste.

Naomi nods, gathering up most of the books along with Nova, before they both reached the last one.

They reached for the last one at the same time, and their hands touched momentarily before they both pulled back, flustered.

Naomi reached out again for the book, snapping out of her reverie faster than Nova.

She grabbed the book, which in turn got Nova to come to her senses.

They both stood up, and Naomi cleared her throat, her face flushed red a bit, "Well, here you are." She hands the textbooks to Nova.

Nova takes her books back, still blushing and smiling at Naomi, "Thanks again."

Naomi smiles a bit, "It's no problem." After that, she walks away swiftly.

Nova walks to her locker, putting the textbooks away before closing it, and walking to the girls bathroom.

She looks around to make sure that she's alone, before squealing like a fangirl.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Nova exclaims excitedly, jumping up and down, spinning in a circle.

She grins like an idiot, before collecting herself, and walking out of the bathroom, as if her little outburst hadn't happened at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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