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I wake up burning hot, sweating, and confused. What the fuck did I dream about that got me so worked up. I feel my thighs sticking together too and peek at my appearance in the mirror.

did i just have a wet dream. am i a teenage boy...

I cover my face in shame and change my bedsheets, jumping in the shower after. I get out feeling fresh and ready to go to school. My usual routine is quick and easy, but I find myself running out of time to dry my hair. I have to let it air dry. That means disgusting. Ugh. 

I drag myself out the door after kissing my mum goodbye and speed into school in my car. I haven't seen Bella yet, confused I take out my phone to see a flurry of messages from her.

One that reads 'Im so sick Lils I'm not coming in today☹️'

I give her a quick call to see if she's okay and tell her about my waking up situation. She laughs out loud when I tell her about the dream. 

'You like Miss McBitchy' She taunts me

I hang up on her. 

My feet take me speedily to my form room and I sign in with my form tutor who hates latecomers. After form, I have French, which I love.

The door is already open and my teacher welcomes me inside. 

'Bonjour Lily! Comment Ca va?'                                                                                                                                        (hi lily how are you)

'Comme si comme ca madame, et toi?'                                                                                                                         (meh, miss, and you?)

'Tres bon, merci, maintenant s'assoir.'                                                                                                                          (very good, thank you, now sit down)

I obey and take my seat, waiting for her to explain todays task. 

'Au jourd'hui, on parle de notre partenaire ideale.'                                                                                                  (today we speak about our ideal partners)

I nod my head and she points at me for my answer.

'Ma partenaire idéale a les yeux verts et les cheveux blonds. Et elle est plus petite que moi'              (my ideal partner has green eyes, blonde hair. and she is much smaller than me)

My teacher smiles and puts a thumbs up to me. About 20 minutes later, the lesson is over and I've got English. I practically sprint to be early to the classroom. I get there just as her other class leaves and I sneak in as they exit. 

Walking up to her desk, Melissa raises her eyes from the computer and sees me. She rolls her eyes and goes back to her screen. The class starts in 6 minutes, does she need to be staring at that computer?

I reach down and press the off button on her screen. She slaps my hand away and looks at me with an angry look written on her face. 

'Lily the lesson hasn't started yet. Get out.' She mutters and points to the door, turning her computer back on.

'Jeez louise Miss, who twisted your panties' I remarked under my breath as I walked out.

'I heard that!' She shouted at me.

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