★Chapter 1★ - A Salty Start

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Chapter song - She likes a boy - Nxdia

Chapter song - She likes a boy - Nxdia

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I let out an exhausted sigh as I threw myself onto my bed, tired from another day of being dragged around by salt, but I wasn't upset it wasn't like I didn't enjoy hanging out with her, we had gone to the mall today and as much as I love spending time with her, it's just so hard not to say no to her.. how could I ever make her upset? Although I also enjoy having time to myself every once in awhile...

Alas that would soon be ruined by salt angrily storming in, I could hear loud sniffling coming from her and I immediately knew what was wrong, she sat herself on her bed, letting out a loud sigh before beginning her sob story.

"Oj ignored me.. AGAIN!! I mean what is wrong with me? I just want some attention that's all I ask for and he won't listen! How can someone so dreamy but be so irritating!" She grabbed a pillow from her bed and screamed into it before looking up at me with her tear stained face, her mascara running down her face and soiling her pillow "Pepper I like... need your help!"

I sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder and gently rubbing it, I wasn't the best at handling emotions with everyone else but with salt.. it's like it was right on que "Hey salt, it's fine but.. I think you might need to accept the OJ my not like you as much as as you like him? I know if I had a crush on someone I wouldn't expect them to be head over heels in love with me too." I gave her a reassuring smile but I was preparing for the worst.

Salt took my hand of her shoulder, laying down and instead of calming down she started getting angry? clearly my comfort did not work "I don't believe you! Honestly pepper I can't believe you'd think that! OJ is in love with me, he just doesn't realise how much he wants me too! Y'know what? I think you're just jealous, jealous of me because you know I'm going to get a boyfriend before you!" She shouted at me, now I know we've had a few silly arguments before but this is beyond embarrassing.

I sat there, a long period of silence came after salt's crying, I put my head in my hands and sighed loudly "Salt I'm not jealous of yo-" Sat interrupted me, I wish she had waited for me to explain myself and if anything I'm more jealous of OJ.

"Pepper, get out! Just.. like.. leave me alone!" She shouted, turning over so that she didn't have to look at me, and with that I stood up and left the room, but I wasn't angry at her, the person who I was angry at was OJ! so I stormed the halls of the Hotel, looking for OJ's office
I had soon found his office, taking deep breaths as I opened the door, not caring to knock, he didn't need privacy, besides, this was important "OJ I- WHAT."


★Author's note★

Chapter one is finished! I proof read through the chapter for any mistakes but if you spot any let me know!
If you have and criticism I would love to hear and I'd love to see some love for this fanfic so far :)

If only you were mine // An inanimate insanity fanfic // SALTPEP Where stories live. Discover now