Vampires are Real ?!

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Three weeks later.....after the first meeting.

           The day started out like any other. I said goodbye to Bella and headed outside to run the trails. She seemed apprehensive at first, but decided to let me go anyways. I start my jog towards the trail, listening to music from my headphones.
      Stopping after thirty minutes, I catch my breath while looking around, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Pulling my headphones out looking around. I feel as if I'm being watched and turn back towards the house but stop when I see a woman barefoot on the trail.
     "Odd place to be barefoot." I say while she grins. Noticing her red eyes I take a step back and she grins. "James caught your scent three miles away and he had to have you. You smell so good, I'm surprised they are able to resist you." The woman says and I furrow my brows. "The hell are you talking about?" I respond before putting my headphones away.
      Feeling a breath against my neck, I inhale a sharp breath while fingertips caress my throat. Looking back, I see a man with red eyes as well and my heart begins to race and he grins. "Is the little dove scared? Why don't you run, we love the chase." He says and I look back at the woman before another man emerges from the foliage.        

      This man has dreads and the matching red eyes. Now I feel scared because those stories aren't just stories anymore. It's real and I was the unlucky one to truly find out. "James, Victoria, we shouldn't play with our food. Especially this one." The man says and the man I now know to be named James growls, while grabbing my neck and pulling me back.
       With a cry, I feel my muscles clench from the pain of his grip and I look at the woman now. "Please don't." I say while she smiles before stepping up to me. "How about this, we will give you a minute head start, seeing as you're two miles in, we don't think you'll make it very far." Victoria says while James releases me. Not thinking about nothing but survival, I sprint off.
       I believe I'm going in the right direction of home. My flight kicking in but my fear keeps me from one thing, logic.

       Up until this point, I don't realize I'm heading in the wrong direction of home. I look back not seeing them and I force my legs to move faster. I scream when I get pushed, body flying to where my side and head hits a tree. Screaming in pain, I sink to the ground while the three....vampires surround me. Crying, I drag myself away from them and I look back seeing them slowly walking up to me before they stop. Heads all turning in the same direction, they all growl before looking back at me. "You just got lucky."  Victoria says and they all take off while I force my body into a ball crying.

     I feel the heavy footfalls and growls as something big passes me. Peeping out from my arms, I see giant wolves passing but one stops looking at me. I tighten myself into a ball more and the wolf whines and I look up in fear. "Please....please don't hurt me." I wheeze out and the wolf looks ahead before looking back down at me. It doesn't attack me but guards me before two other wolves show up. One is huge, bigger than the other two. Solid black with dark yellow eyes the other two in different shades of gray. I feel myself cough and my eyes widen seeing blood. My eyesight grows blurry while the black wolf walks slowly up to me. "You're not a wolf, you're a horse." I mumble out dazed from hitting my head. The lighter of the two gray wolves snorts as if it understood me, it sounding like a laugh. I force myself to sit up. Gasping at the pain, I lean back against the tree. Slowly raising my hand. I pet the black wolf when it allows me to and I smile at how soft it feels. "Soft." I whisper before my hand falls to my side and my eyes slowly close.

     The leader of the pack looks back at his fellow pack mates. Conversation is had and Paul, the Beta comes back dressed in Jean cut offs. Bending down he slowly picks the girl up after checking her pulse. "It's faint." He says to his Alpha. Sam nods his head before he trots off changing back to his human self and coming back dressed in the same fashion as Paul. "Jared go tell Emily what happened. She needs to call an ambulance, hurry." With that Jared takes off and Sam and Paul head to his house.

    "She shouldn't have been out here." Paul says looking down at the girl whose breathing begins to grow labored. "We have to hurry." Sam says and they walk faster. Luckily they get to his house quickly while Jared comes outside with Emily. "They'll be here in five minutes." Emily says looking over the girl. "She has a nasty bump on her head. Possible concussion." Emily says while the sirens in the distance alert them.

     Putting the girl on the stretcher Paul hangs around worried about the girl before Sam tells him to back off. The ambulance leaves after Sam gives an alibi to what happened and her name. "Drew Swan. She slipped and fell off the side of a hill. Luckily we were there to find her when we did." Sam finishes and he looks at the others before walking inside to call Billy.

     "Billy, Drew Swan was attacked by the leeches. Luckily we got there before they could sink their teeth into her. She's beat up pretty bad, I'd thought you should know." Sam says and Billy  sighs before saying a quick thank you before hanging up the phone.

      "Paul, Jared increase patrols for the next couple of weeks. We're gonna go now and tell Carlisle what happened." Sam says before they all nod and head out the door.

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