Revelations-end of twilight.

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        Bella and I face each other, in her room, on opposite sides of her bed. I pick at loose a string while glancing at Edward before looking down. "What is it that you both have to tell me?" I ask finally breaking the heavy tension in the air. It's been another three weeks and I've since gotten my stitches out, learned more about Paul, Jacob has driven me crazy with his talk about car parts and Bella, I've gone stir crazy while doing my assigned work that's finally finished. Now, Edward and Bella have news to tell me and neither one has spoken since I sat down thirty minutes ago. "Please, just get on with it." I say again and Edward stands straighter before walking over to the closed curtains. It's one of those Rare days, where it's sunny, yet some clouds float by in the sky. Dad is on a fishing trip with Harry Clearwater, so Bella and I have the house to ourselves. Pulling the curtain back Edward glances at me and I see the sparkling of his skin.

      "You sparkle?!" I shout in question while Bella laughs lightly before catching my attention. "You know those stories we read? About Vampires?" Bella says and my heart races before I laugh. "This is a joke right?" I laugh looking at Edward who disappears before appearing in front of me suddenly. "I'm a vampire, along with my whole family." He says and I stand up quickly and back up. Now being in a boot, I can move freely and I continue to move back towards Bella's door. "No!" I scream reaching for the door handle but Bella in a boot as well catching my hand. "It's true Drew, he's a vampire but he's not like the ones that attacked you. Vampires with red eyes, feed on humans. Edward's family, feeds on animals, that's why they have golden eyes." Bella finishes while my breathing slows down and I look at Edward. "I can't, Bella may be comfortable with it but I'm not." With that I push past Bella and head for my room slamming my door shut. I fall back against the door, breathing heavily. Closing my eyes, tears fall and I head to my bed. Sitting down, I look over and out my window. "So much for curiosity." I whisper before I hear a knock on the door. "No! Go away!" I shout while the person knocks again. With a huff I sigh and lean back against my pillows. Knowing the person won't leave. "Alright come in."

      Walking in it's Edward and I sigh while sitting up. "I'm sorry, it's new, and Bella is good with freaky and weird. I'm just, not." I say looking up to Edward who nods. "My family and I won't force you to be around but we would never hurt you." Edward says before stepping out shutting the door behind him.

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