C 8 : Awkward situation

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Zac had been looking at the test for the pass 5 minutes unsure of what to think or do , Just a few hours ago she didnt want kids an now all of a sudden she's pregnant after she refused to have unprotected sex , But then he remember a few weeks back they did have drunk sex an can't recall if they use a condom or not ....He had so many questions in his head with no answers ,he was brought outta of his thoughts when his phone screen lit up showing Fatima's name a smile creep upon his face as he answers

Zac : Hey beautiful

Fatima : I just wanna say sorry for today

Zac : Its cool fatima you in gotta keep apologizing for him

Fatima : I know but his behavior was uncall for

Zac : You good ? you sound tired .

Fatima : I am actually

Zac : Can i ask you something?

Fatima : Sure

Zac : Are y'all together ?

* The line went silent for a while

Zac : Its cool you in gotta answer

Fatima : I really don't know ....she said honestly

Zac : What does that mean?

Fatima : It means what i want i can't have

Zac : An what exactly do you want Fatima?

Fatima : I want to live a peaceful ,happy an healthy life with someone i love , someone who is going to love me unconditionally , treat me like a queen , travel the world together an live out our dreams just loving on each other " a tear fell from eyes "

Zac : I notice you didn't mention kids or marriage. He said smartly

Fatima : Of course i want kids an marriage but since you mention those things to a man it like your asking for a kidney ,they be acting like kids an marriage is such a bad thing ...I dont want anyone to think that am trying to rush them into something that they dont want

Zac : Do you see yourself having those things with him ?

Fatima : What does it matters?

Zac : It matters because you shouldn't be settling for less , you deserve to have your happy ending

Fatima : Are you happy ?

Zac : I was happy at first but now am not so sure anymore. He said honestly

Fatima : Why ?

Zac : Well i want something she dont

Fatima : An what do you want Mr Taylor?

Zac : When we first got together we had wanted the samethings kids , marriage,traveling the world together , i work hard to make sure she had everything she needed even more but after giving her the luxury life style an marriage that she always wanted she change

Fatima : What exactly did she change ? She ask hoping its not what she's thinking

Zac : We fight alot , we hardly spend time together all she cares about is the lifestyle .....I wanted a baby an for some reason she claims she's not to ready i got frustrated an stepped out on her an the girl got pregnant an i was excited because i thought i was going to be a dad finally but " Tears falling " Turns out the baby wasn't mines

Fatima : Am sorry zac ....was all she managed to say

Zac : I mean it is what it is right " wiping his tears "  Maybe am not meant to be a dad

Connie : Wow is that how you really feel after i just told you am pregnant ?....she said after listening to his conversation

* Zac look at connie with a wtf look ,fatima on the other hand felt like a truck just hit her she grab her stomach as she felt a slight pain ...Zac heard her groan in pain an ask

Zac : Hey are you okay ?

Fatima : Yeah i gotta go

Zac : Please let me explain

Fatima : No need to do that zac we not together an she's your wife so you own me nothing .Congratulations!! I guess you finally get what you want .....she hang up before he could respond .....fuck he yelled in frustration 

Zac : Why tf would you do that connie ?

Connie : So you telling the bitch our business now?

Zac : We was having a conversation

Connie : I heard everything zac ,i thought you said you wasn't fucking her ?

Zac : What tf is your problem?

Connie : Nigga are you fucking delusional ? Am your fucking wife who just told you she's pregnant an you didn't even say congratulations or smile for that matters knowing this is what you've been wanting all along .....but yet you on the phone with this bitch talking about a future like you not fucking married

Zac : Look we need to talk about this baby

Connie : What about it?

Zac : We always used protection on your request an.....cut off

Connie : Zachary Taylor you better not be saying what the fuck i think your about to say

Zac : I need answer's connie

Connie : Answer's about a baby you help me make " laughing " We fuck zac that's how tf it happened

Zac : Connie that's not what i ask , we haven't fuck in 5 weeks .....he yelled frustrated 

Connie : Did you forget about our drunk sex a few weeks back i beg you to put on a condom but you refuse i try to tell you pull out but once again you ignore me " tears falling " Now you stand here questioning me like am some kind of whore ?

" Zac couldn't say anything because he dont remember much about that night they was pissing drunk an he did remember waking up inside of her with no condom on ....He feel bad for even questioning her but at the same time he needs answers because if he's being honest his heart is torn between the two woman ....He has love for connie but he's not inlove with her anymore . Is this love or am just obsessed ? He ask himself as he pull connie into a hug

***Back at Fatima's office

Kiki : Hey Tima you good

Fatima : No i feel a pain in my stomach

Kiki : " worried " How bad is it ?

Fatima : 10 ahh fuck

Kiki : That's it we going to the hospital

Fatima : No just take me home am fine

Kiki : The fuck no you been feeling this pain for the pass four hours

Quiana : What's going on ?

Kiki : The pain still here an she refused to go to the hospital

Quiana : Fatima !

Fatima : " tears falling " Just take me home please

Dinorah : No tf we not kiki get the car ready

* Kiki ran off to get the car while quiana an dinorah help fatima up but when they lift her up she was washed away in blood .

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