Chapter 1:The Training Arc & New Friends

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The scene open with Einar standing amidst the ruins of what was once a majestic and grandiose mountain surrounded him towering piles of monster bones bone he look at the horizon taking out his compass the thing finally pick up something after so many years of nothing this time the arrow stirred casts a luminous deep blue color pulsing with energy the man sigh as he know it's still not the thing he seeks for but he isn't that bothered after all he had all the time he ever need but before we continue let rewind the clock to six years ago...


I've been wandering aimlessly meeting people of different races exploring new places it all so exciting for me until this accused god forsaken compass which had been silenced for so long finally pick up something as the arrow turned into a dull brown color I'm pretty sure that it's not what I try to find but I'll follow it since why not? I shrug It not like I had any clear goals at the moment either and besides following it may provide a adventures I wanted so with I follow the compass lead to the Demon Continent.

With a simple motto of "If it attack killing it just self defense" That day many monsters die on my journey, the Demon Continent lived up to its name just by the sheer amounts of monsters here, the landscape was a brutal it all rock and rock, desert, there's no plant or tree here they all dead and I regret not buying food beforehand because the monster meats here isn't the best cuisine, the giants tortoise meat is quite decent.

But afters about two to three weeks of traveling I were able to reach my destination a very grandiose mountain I channeled gravity magic propelling myself to the top, yes it were just a rock mountain but the view from here is breathtaking, I marveled at the panorama views of dust and rock stretched to the horizon inhaling the kinda fresh air, well as fresh as the air with dust can be, it stinging my lungs after some moments I glance at the compass now devoid of any color, dead, no light, no direction, just a useless hunk of metal again like it mocking me and all my existence alike.

Einar:Dammit! God this thing is annoying! Can't you just work properly for once you pieces of junk! [I hold it tightly really want to shatter it I restraint from it] (A broken compass wouldn't solve anything)

I let out a weary sigh, surveying my surroundings once more as a thought crossed my mind this place were crawling with monsters it were ideal for training actually there're alot of monster here's that mean alot of dummy (and yes also dinner well actually a buffet sound more like it) after all this is a fantasy world with a kind of familiar with the medieval ages period, so power wasn't just respected, it was demanded, it dictated one's worth in the hierarchy, often in injust and cruel ways, the strong stomp on the weak and all that jazz a brutal game that I had no intention of losing.

Further more with no clear goal and only wanting adventure, so why not train first? I won't get kill so easily and this journey won't go to waste, sure the enemies I've been facing so far are quite weak but still training can't hurt, better safe than sorry, right?

So I did just that for six years training various thing like my body I learn how to sense my surrounding via solely my five senses seem useless but after alot of experimenting I realized one weakness the《Platinum Eye》it excelled at sensing mana and its flow, making spells a dead giveaway because Mana in the environment move very little and the act of casting a spell disrupted that so Mana is in a constant motion while a spell being cast it's fluency and easy to sense. However, it struggled with non-mana and physically movements like said before the Mana in the environment move very little so physically movements have a very subtle shift so there a delay in the《Platinum Eye's》perception, I also practice on body control like how to walk in a straight line blindfolded, ambidexterity exercises, eyes hand correlations, and many more...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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