Chapter 15

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Logan didn't think of himself as an obsessive man, yet he couldn't shun away from the fact of the level of madness his thoughts conjured up whenever Nathan crossed his mind. The older man's presence consumed him like a dangerous drug every second of every day, and he found himself wanting to drown in it. These strange thoughts were foreign to Logan, something he never experienced before, not even when they were together, and he realized he didn't want it to end, either. He needed Nathan; needed to destroy him for all the wrongs he had done, and needed to caress him and whisper loving words into his ear like he had done countless times before.

With a deep sigh, Logan emptied the whisky glass into his mouth before turning his back from highrise the window and going for his desk, stalked with files, papers, pens, and whatnot. Today was a busy day at the office because his company had an upcoming real estate event—and a potential multimillion-dollar business deal—in Nashville, Tennessee to attend. He would be going, along with five others, Nathan included because he couldn't fantom not seeing the older man over the weekend. Besides, he didn't want a repeat of what happened yesterday.

Ah yes, yesterday, like a deranged stalker he had followed Nathan and it was not the first time he had done so, either. Last night, every fiber in his body screamed at him to snatch his previous Nathan away—take him, lock him up, hide him away. What a foolish thought, and what a frightening one knowing if he'd waited any longer, he would've done just that. When he saw Nathan with that woman, his heart ached; however, when he saw him with that man, a rage he didn't know existed tore itself from his chest.

His name was Mathew Davis, a wealthy and well-known mechanic in Evanston. Logan knew of him, but he didn't know the man personally other than Matthew had been in the local papers a year ago after he got arrested for aggravated assault on one of his employees. Logan remembered because it was all over the local news after Matthew almost killed the man yet he walked scot-free. Matthew was the person who had whispered nasty words to Nathan before Logan had punched him that night in the parking lot back in Chicago. Was he who drugged Nathan, though? They were both drunk but surely it must've been him. It seemed that Nathan was a friend of Matthew or else he wouldn't have gone out with him yesterday. Nathan trusted this man, he was probably confined to him too. He was a bloody fool! How the hell did they end up meeting each other anyway? Logan gritted his teeth at the thought of his Nathan out there with another man who had ill intentions. This had to end, and it would end today.

A menacing smile appeared on Logan's face when the knock came on the door. Perfect timing. "Come in," he answered, sounding bored, disinterested—even though his heart thundered and his stomach dropped from the first knock like a bloody teenager in love.

Slow footsteps appeared and a soft, exhausted voice asked, "Did you call for me, Sir?"

Logan looked straight into Nathan's eyes, and his face must've been something to frighten because Nathan gulped and subconsciously took a step back. Was he that afraid? "This weekend I'm taking the team to Kansas for the upcoming convention, and you're coming with me. We leave on Friday," he said.

Nathan quirked a confused eyebrow, then asked, "Why? I just work at the desk... That's not for me."

"I want you there so you will be there."

After a moment of hesitation, of contemplation, Nathan nodded and said, "Alright... I'll collect the stay from Andrea and get everything ready."

"That won't be necessary."

"What do you mean?"

Logan had already booked their room at the hotel—the finest, and although Nathan didn't know it yet, he would be staying with Logan for the three nights, moaning underneath him.

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