Raging Flames

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Smoke was what Alfred could smell as it clogged his throat and made its way to his lungs. It made his lungs burn and a painful feeling in his chest engulfed most of his body. The young boy coughs loudly begging for some sort of air. That's when he heard voices one of them sounding like his father and another he couldn't recognize

" please, save my child" Arthur begged softy. He wrapped Alfred tightly in a blanket as he looks up at Francis. His eyes wide with tears in them " you promised me....you promised me you would help me with anything....only once you said I may use your help... I now call on you to help me! To give my child a surviving chance! Please! "

Alfred heard the echos of his fathers voice but they started to get farther away. Alfred felt his whole mind start to go numb and his body start to feel heavy. He couldn't open his eyes but he wish to see his father's face one last time. That's when the unknown voice spoke

" ..... I do this only out of love for you " Francis whispers " but you know his life will never be the same after this.... yet you still beg for him to be saved " a ghost of a smile passed on Francis lips " oh how I wish I was as loved as he is " Francis bends down " then again... after all this he won't ever feel that love again "


The sun hit Alfred face as he sat up from his bed. His head pounding as he hissed in pain. He shakes as he gets off of the bed looking around slowly " what a dream....always having such dreams.... " he shakes his head. Alfred always dreamed the samething every night without fail and every time he woke he felt as if his head was being slammed against rocks. He was used to this dream though and there was no time to cry over it or think of it. He had other things to do and that was work on the farm and take care of his masters things. Yes, master..... Alfred was a slave. He doesn't remember at all how he got here but by age 12 he was under his master rule and this was his life. He lived in a small barn on the very end of the farm and he slept on a small bed made of hay but he was thankful and he knew better then to anger his master. Everyday was the same either way and nothing would change at all. Not to say today was a day he had to be carful and not make any mistakes. Guards from the royal army came through here for not only the war but also to sample out people who worked with magic and force them into the unit where magic was used. It was called the " Blazing Sword" unit under the kings watchful eye those who worked under it did the kings dirty work. Alfred knew he wasn't anything special but still the masters son was of age and the army would be testing to see if any powers had come from him. With this in mind Alfred made sure to keep to himself for the day only getting close to the master house when he had to. Though luck wasn't on Alfred side at all and most dark things came to light sooner or later.


The day had turned to night as Alfred started to head back slowly to his barn. His back aching from the days work and having to stand almost all day but nothing could stop him from seeing the glow from the farther sides of the farm. That's where the master lived .....why was it so bright? Usually, Alfred wouldn't have cared and ignored it but something was telling him to go. He slowly made his way through the grass till he got close enough to see that the glow wasn't any glow...but it was fire.... the masters house was ablaze in flame as the master and his son and wife were outside on their knees begging for their lives as the kings knights stood in front of them. Their silver armor being easily seen by the moonlight reflection

" PLEASE " the master shouted " please spare us! You must have mercy! My son showed what you all have wanted! Powers! The king wishes for people with powers to join the blazing sword unit! Why are you doing this then!? Why!? My son has shown he can be useful! " the master shouted as he moves in front to keep his family safe but all the master got was a cold icy glare from one of the knights

" you commoners are really stupid huh? .... do you really think the king has an army of those sinful beast? No~ no not at all~ " the knight slowly pulls his sword out " silly man the king kills those with powers....we're not looking for some useless boy like your son~ were looking for someone else and your son like all the others didn't pass our test~ " he tightens his grip on the handle of the sword. He felt pure joy roll through him seeing the realization dawn on his victims face " doesn't matter though~ we thank you for your service though " he lifted his sword up " but it's time you go rest " the sword sliced down but before it could connect to the master the sword broke in half. A bright light like it shot from the moon itself slammed into the sword making it break apart. The knights eyes open as the horses around him made loud frighten sounds. The other knights stood very still as the sword slams to the floor destroyed and smoking up a little. That's when all eyes turned onto the slave to the sidelines who's hand was outstretched and smoke still coming out from it.....oh poor Alfred....poor poor Alfred.... was his life some sort of curse? Why did he do that? What did he save his master? The man that causes him so much pain!? How did Alfred have powers? He was already 18 and never once had he shown signs of any sort of powers yet here he was.... and there the sword laid.... that was enough to show he did have powers. He felt a sudden doom fall over him as he looks at the knights. All their dark brown and green eyes fall on him as if they were searching for something and they had finally found it

" what an interesting turn of things~ " a voice echoed around them as a large black horse came trotting near everyone. A large man sat on the horse and unlike his other fellow knights who had on silver armor this knight had on black armor. That's when Alfred knew who he was.... the "shadow knight " A bloody warrior who killed anyone. Word had it that this man even killed his own father to take over the clan his father owned and at this moment every bad thing about that man slammed into Alfred leaving his legs shaking and his hands numb

" the king will be most pleased " the shadow knight slowly takes off his headpiece revealing a beautiful looking man. A long scar was on his left side of his face and his eyes were a violet color. They were so beautiful yet the coldness and cruelness in those eyes overpowered all beauty this man had. The man also had very light blond hair almost looking white and his skin a milky white color. This man may be easy on the eyes but the aura around this man was something overpowering. Even a God would shake in his wake

" Commander Ivan! "

Those words took Alfred out of his mind as he saw the knights around Ivan bowing

" we thought you would be staying at the northern boarder fighting your grandfather's forces! General winter is a foe only you can handle! Why are you here?" One of the knight said

" Leo " ivan whispers " you ask to many questions.... if you have to known... I knew something powerful would happen tonight " ivan jumps off his horse " and I was right " he smirks as he walks to Alfred slowly. Leo and the rest of the knights stand up fast " commander ivan! Please stay back! we've no idea how powerful he is

" his weak " Ivan's voice was in a matter a fact tone as he stands face to face with Alfred. He looked down at the younger man and his icy cold hands touch Alfred cheek. Even through Ivan's gloves Alfred could feel such coldness seeping through them and against his cheek. Alfred gulped and looks up at Ivan with wide blue eyes as the moon hangs from the sky bright as ever " he doesn't know hmm~ you have no idea how much the king wants you " how much ivan wanted him as well " and to think you were hidding under our noses as a what? A slave? How fitting for you little Luna "

Luna? Did ivan just say Luna? Luna was another name for moon and Alfred clearly didn't like it but he knew better then to press this man or correct him " what do you mean? " is all Alfred could really say right now

" ah~ the rat can speak " ivan looked amused as a smug smirk pulls at his lips " what I mean is nothing important " his hand slides down softly to Alfred neck. Alfred skin pricking at the touch and slowly he shivered as if this man's touch was everything he needed in life. Icy cold and soothing.... and against Ivan's cold hands Alfred warm skin warmed them. Luna wasn't a fitting name for Alfred at all but Sol was after all the moon only shinned with the sun's help.

" no more questions " Ivan says and a sudden wave of sleep slams into Alfred before his legs bucked under him and he falls against Ivan. His eyes closing as the last thing he felt was strong arms holding him up and heard

" tell the king we found the lost Saint "

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