The 'punishment'

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Trigger warning; abuse, gore, and lab.

When we get to the black room, it's just that. A pitch black room.

The guards shove me in and Guard 2 happily chains me to the wall. Guard 1 leave me with Guard 2. Great

Guard 2 grabs something large, I can't see because of how dark it is.

He comes up to me and with a wicked smile he swings something at my thighs. It hits with a loud thud. I whimper.

"What the fuck?!" It felt like a harsh hit from a baton. I should know. 

 It takes a second till I start laughing, in pain.

"Crazy," he remarks before hitting me again, and again, and again. I scream and laugh till I hear him drop it. Yep, definitely a baton.

I must have looked very weak and tired by now because he thought it was okay to unchain me right then.

He tells me to stay in a mocking tone while grabs a syringe filled with a green liquid.

"Night night, psycho." he taunts as he moves to try to inject the sharp tip into my neck.

I pull away harshly and land a solid punch on his unsuspecting face. I hold him in a tight chokehold.

His eyes widen with fear as if he's surprised by this. He shouldn't be.

He struggles to pull away, but I have him in an iron grip.

"Night-night." I taught him as he did me.

His life slowly drains from his body, his face shifting from red to deep purple. Till his whole body goes limp.

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